In which I give up on pretending things won't turn angsty

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A/N: I swear there isn't any smut in this chapter even if it seems like it's building up to that. I'm ace, traumatized and underage so I won't write that shit 

Also if any Remrom shippers read this chapter I will put a spell on you that melts your eyeballs

Remy was sitting in a packed bus. Remus was leaning against their shoulder, he was imagining the fastest way to kill every single person in vehicle while making it as bloody as possible.

"So you actually wanted something oooorr??" They asked to Janus who'd called them on the phone several minutes ago and had so far babbled out nonsense the entire time.

"Right right, I promise I had something to say" He coughed before letting out a long "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Remy had to move their phone away from their ear as to not destroy their ear drums. When he was finally done they asked "Is that a good scream or a bad scream?"

"Good scream. Ok ok ok I ehm Logan is kind of my boyfriend?"

"Oh wwooowww really??? Would have never guessed especially not after specs called me at 6 am last night cause he couldn't sleep cause he was so freaking lovey dovey for you" They pretended to gag "Ugh, you're so disgustingly sweet"

"Aww he did?? He's the cutest. Ahhh I really want to make pancakes and wake him up with breakfast in bed..well couch and kisses but I can't because we stayed up really late looking at stars and stuff and I don't want to force him awake" Janus babbled out. They could literally hear on his voice that he was smiling.

"Why are you awake then?"

"I'm too gay to go to sleep!!" He exclaimed.

"Hah, that's literally me every night cause I'm an iiinnnssoommniac!"

Remy could hear a sudden scream come from Janus on the other side of the line before the scream turned into laughter and Logan's voice could be heard. He said something about his talking waking him and then something about love and blah blah blah. The phone was soon forgotten and dropped on the ground. If Remy listened hard enough they could hear giggling and kissing coming from the couple.

They decided to turn the call off which was good since they were close to the bus stop they were supposed to get off on. They shook Remus shoulder to get him back to reality before motioning for him to get out.

"Girl how you feeling?" They asked while swinging their arm around their friend.

Remus moved to grab his phone but hesitated and instead mumbled " wo-orms cra-awling in my-my stoma-ach n-n-nervous"

"Oh come gal we're just gonna hang out with Ro and Viv, you've lived with them like for forever...or well one of them for forever but y'know what I mean"

"H-hate me"

"No they don't" They assured while patting his shoulder.

Remy had called before hand so almost the moment they knocked on the red door to the relatively big house it swung open. Roman had on his usual overly extra red jacket with some white pants to go with it. He literally pushed Remy out of the way before pulling Remus in a hug.

He buried his head against the shoulder of his slightly taller twin while holding onto him as hard as he could. He was afraid that if he let go Remus would disappear again.

"Hi you stupid dukey. Clearly I got the brain while you got all of the idiocy" He mumbled.

Remus nodded with a smile while patting him on the back. He couldn't help but hug back. It'd been over half a year since they saw each other which was far too long.

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