I know I've kissed you before but I didn't do it right, Can I try again?

267 23 12

Tw: Blood, suicide mention

It was raining so Janus was holding a black umbrella in one hand and was holding Logan's hand with his other. They were out walking. Remy was walking a few meters ahead of them. There was a quite fresh scar on their cheek and they were limping slightly.

"Forgive me for my confusion but why are we looking for Remus? As far as I remember its quite usual for him to be gone for a day or two before coming back with a dead rat in his mouth to show that he likes you or something" Logan said which broke the silence.

Remy let out a long sigh "He's been gone for kind of like a month and a half"

"Why?? Why didn't you say anything till now!" Logan exclaimed as his eyes widened from surprise.

"I dunno like he just left suddenly for like no reason!" They lied.

Janus looked them up and down while squinting his eyes "That's a falsehood if I've ever heard one"

"Fine" They crossed their arms as they continued with "We kinda got into an...argument and I said some really stupid things which in hindsight I shouldn't have. I've looked everywhere and I can't find him so i thought like maybe help would like help"

Jan didn't believe them fully. He'd gotten kicked in the face until he bleed before and he knew the type of scars that got left behind by that. The same type that was on Remy's cheek. He wanted to ask them about it to make sure they were alright but he didn't know how to start.

Logan began rambling about strategically the best and fastest way to search through the entire city. Along with a list of the likeliest places for Remus to be.

After they'd checked the local dumpster, the rat room at the zoo and some dangerous cliffs near the beach they decided to split off. The couple went to the nearest restaurant that specialized in octopus while Remy went to the graveyard.

A cold breeze flew over them as they went through the rusty gates. They pulled their leather jacket harder around themselves to keep the cold out. They looked around the entire graveyard expect for one place but couldn't find a single trace of their friend.

Finally Remy went over to Patton's grave. "Sup you lil piece of shit" They greeted with a bitter tone "Y'know girl I used to think of you as my second dad...you will never know how much it hurt when I realized you were just as abusive as my first one. At least my old man 'only' yelled at me and only beat me onc-"

They didn't even finish their sentence since their gaze went to a curdled up figure laying next to the grave. Remy ran over and sat down beside the person. They didn't even care that their clothes got dirty from sitting on the ground as they took the person in their arms.

It was Remus.

His eyes were rolled back into his skull and his mouth was hanging slightly agape. His body was completely limp which made it easy to pull him into their lap. All he had on was that same t-shirt and shorts but they were dirty and filled with holes now. His hair was greasy and his skin was just as dirty as his clothes. There were layers of cuts covering his arms, legs, neck and torso. Some of them were still bleeding while there were green goo coming out from others. Some were close to healing while others looked like they were made this morning. His skin was light and ashy and his lips were chapped from dehydration. His nails were bitten down and bloody and his feet were bleeding from walking on stones.

Remy feared a dead body would feel warm compared to his. Then they realized that they might actually be holding a dead body. He wasn't moving or opening his eyes or reacting to them holding him or oh god what if he actually was-

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