I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead

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"All I'm saying is that the saying the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach is completely false since the digestive system and heart is in no way connected" Logan rambled.

He was walking through the park while holding a picnic basket. Janus was 2 or 3 steps behind him. He was listening intently while holding a cozy blanket. The sun had set a little over and hour ago, now the stars were shining in the sky.

"Well wouldn't it be smarter to simply sedate the person and keep them around until they develop Stockholm syndrome. If we're talking about forcibly making someone love you I mean" Jan replied. Neither of them knew how they'd even gotten into this topic.

"Actually the so called Stockholm syndrome is a very faulty condition. The psychologist who coined the term made it before he'd even talked to the victim. Besides it's not even an official diagnosis and ther is barely any research therefore it is not an acceptable way in this scenario"

"Understandable" Janus thought for a moment before continuing with "Is brain washing acceptable in this scenario?"

"Brain washing might me it" Logan held out his hand and they high fived "Solved it"

Janus couldn't help but laugh "What are we even talking about?" He giggled out which made Lo laugh as well.

They stopped on top of a hill. The snake laid out the blanket and sat down on it before patting the spot next to him. Logan leaned against his shoulder while taking out the things from the picnic basket. A few sandwiches, some tasty berries and coffee.

It had been Lo's idea to go out an stargaze since they hadn't done that in a while......It was also a good opportunity for him to confess but of course he didn't say that. He wondered if he would be able to say anything at all.

"Aww you made egg sandwiches that's horrible" Jan lied before munching down on one.

"They're your favorite so of course" He replied while fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt. 

He was never this nervous talking to him normally. Actually he was so nervous he couldn't even eat, the anxiety was eating him up from the inside. Instead he sipped on his coffee.

"Will something special happen tonight or did you simply feel like looking at the stars?" Janus asked while laying down on the blanket. He cupped his hands behind his head.

"Nothing special will happen tonight as far as I know" 

He hesitantly laid down next to him. Janus looked over at him with a smirk and motioned for him to get closer. Logan held back a smile as he leaned his head on top of his chest and ran his finger across his collar bones.

He bit his lip as he decided to confess "I...I think I have something to-"

"Look! A shooting star!" Jan interrupted while pointing up at the stars.

Logan closed his eyes and hoped that he wouldn't destroy their friendship by letting the truth out. He wished his friend...his love wouldn't start hating him and he wished they would move into that apartment and get a pet snake and be happy together.

Janus closed his eyes and wished for his nightmares to stop haunting him.

"Hey you can see Andromeda tonight" The snake lied after it'd been silent for a few minutes.

"That's the Cassiopeia constellation dear" Logan corrected.

"I know I just hoped that maybe I was wrong since you get so happy every time you see it"

Andromeda was his favorite star constellation. It's name came from greek mythology where the princess Andromeda and Perseus fell in love after the princess had been forced to go through horrible things. A part of Logan wished he could become the Perseus in that story.

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