I swear this chapter has a happy ending : D

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Tw: Abuse, Unsymp Patton, Implied s*xual assault but it's really vague  choking, Remus levels of death mention

OK OK I wrote this chapter at like 2 am at first and now when I'm rereading it I'm wondering if I was okay that night cause this is some.....I support Patton's right to shut the fuck up let's just say that

It was nearing 3 am and Deceit was having a quite strange dream. More of a nightmare actually. Something heavy was in his mouth making him unable to talk or yell for help. The nightmare got even worse when he could swear on the same heavy feeling going down into his pants.

He woke up gasping and sweating from fear only to find out the nightmare wasn't over. Sure he was awake but Patton was laying on top of him and his tongue was in his mouth and his hand was on his-

Deceit tried to get away and the other man got the message.

"Great you're awake" he said with a sweet tone while sitting up on his stomach. Thankfully he moved his hand away

"You should have asked me beforehand" The snake hissed out while feeling like someone was choking him.

"Oh come on now honey. How long have we been together?"

"4 years" He forced out.

"For a relationship that long isn't the consent kind of an understood thing. I mean if some random guy did this sure it would be weird but I'm your pappy Patton!"

"Please I'm tired, can't we do this tomorrow?" He meekly asked while trying to disconnect from his own body.

Patton pouted "But hooooney you've been so gloomy lately and i'm just trying to cheer you up. How about this I'll even let you top for once"

"Oh right I definitely want this right now" He winced after not being able to stop the lie "I just it's so late and I have things planned for tomorrow. Please just let me sleep" he was practically begging. Something told him it was a bad sign that he even needed to beg but his mind was hazy from years of it happening, so hazy it was hard to phantom any of it not being normal. "Just this once, I don't want to do this again"

Patton swiftly moved his hand up and tugged at Deceit's hair "What things planned? You haven't told me, you know I hate when you don't tell me things" His voice had instantly turned cold.

"Sorry I'm sorry. I'm meeting up with Logan. I wasn't going to help with his psychology test. I mean he's probably smarter than me but he knows I like talking about it so" He rambled out while feeling like he was being interrogated.

The tug in his hair turned so harsh it felt like his scalp was moving away from his skull. He tried to get Patton's hand away from his hair.

"Oh I see. You don't want to give Logan your sloppy seconds so now you're declining me. I wonder how long it'll take before you break up with me"

"I swear we're just frien-" He was shut up when he was slapped. He could already tell it would be one of those bad night without sleep.

"For one day please stop with the lying" patton said while looking absolutely exhausted.

"I'm sorry" He cried out as tears made his vision hazy. It was all to much. He was so tired. Down to his bones. He just wanted to be allowed to sleep. He just wanted to get out of the situation. He just wanted to get away from patton.

He felt biting against his thighs and heard his boyfriend say with an overly cheery tone "I'm marking you so that Logan at least can see who you belong to" Deceit couldn't help but let out a sob "Oh don't cry, the bite marks will disappear in a day or two"

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