I have so much homework why can I only focus on writing fanfic??????? Send help!

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Rat 🐀: Don't be late or I'll have come up with a way to eat my own 🖕🖕 fingers sufficiently by the time you get here 🔪🔪😝😝😝

Snake 🐍: I doubt you'd even be able to stand licking them with how dirty your nails are

Rat 🐀: Is that a challenge????

Snake 🐍: Only if you want it to be

Deceit was about to leave and meet up with Remus when Patton surprised him in a kiss.

"Honey can I see your phone?" He asked in a sweet tone while blinking to look innocent.

Deceit handed the phone over without thinking about it. It was norma. It was normal for him to check his messages. It was normal for him to need Patton's approval before he was allowed to meet up with someone. He needed his approval to do anything really or he would get mad.

Patton quickly skimmed through the latest messages before nodding and handing his phone back. "He always speaks to vulgarly don't you think" He said with a frown.

"I suppose so, it's a part of his charm" 

"Being charming is a redeeming quality cutie, whatever he's doing isn't that"

"I know" He lied "Well I love you" He gave him a short kiss "See you later" He said before leaving the apartment. 

As Deceit sat down on the bus he put on his headphones and blasted the music so loudly he couldn't hear his own thoughts. He enjoyed taking the bus more than driving since he could look at the people around them and secretly psychoanalyze them. Freud that bastard would have been proud.

There was a small child sitting in front of him. She smiled and stuck out her tongue at him. He put on a neutral expression before hiding his face behind his eyes. When he moved his hands away he had on a goofy expression. The little girl laughed and his heart warmed.

The bus suddenly stopped and he went off. He'd barely had taken a step down on the pavement when he was picked up into a hug and spun around. 

"SNAkey babey!" Remus exclaimed when he finally let him down onto the ground again.

"Greetings. Do you want to do anything in particular or shall we just walk around while looking fashionable?" He asked in his usual silky smooth voice.

"I have actually planned a murder" He saw the other man's tired expression and added "No I'm serious" He took out a small book from his pocket and opened up on a page filled with notes and small doodles of knifes and blood.

Deceit skimmed through the first sentences and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion "Who is Berry Karlsson?" It was the person who was planned to be killed.

"Oh I dunno" Remus shrugged with a grin "I was just bored yesterday and searched up a random persons address and tried to plan how to get away with their death"

"I have heard of worse ways to spend a Saturday"

"Yeeeaaahhh, like being tied to the bed and slammed down into it until you're screaming like a fucking baby? Ugh gross. Reminder to myself, don't include the word baby into sentences involving innuendos" 

"What?" Deceit felt like he had just been thrown into a whole other conversation.

"I was just thinking bout the juicy stuff since y'know there's a bruise on your wrist" He was still smiling as he pointed at it.

The snake instantly dragged down his sleeve "No, it was simply-" My boyfriend grabbing my wrist to harshly while getting mad at me for not coming back from being with Logan at the right time, it was just yelling so it was fine, it could have been worse "-A heavy bracelet I had on a few days ago. It left marks and all" He lied.

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