If you hold me without hurting me you'll be the first who ever did

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Tw: Nsfw mentions (but in a good way this time, not smut I swear)

Remus had been drawing for 15 minutes now. He'd ripped out 2 pages with sketches that were too bad. Since his muse was perfect the drawing had to be perfect. 

"Can I move yet?" Remy asked.

"NOPe! I'm drawing!!!" He replied.

They rolled their eyes. They were laying in bed with the blanket pulled up to their chest. The duke was sitting with his legs crossed and his tongue sticking out next to them. He'd woken up a little bit before them and had stared at them for several minutes before deciding that he had to capture their beauty. Usually he just doodled but now he wanted to make it good so he could look at the drawing later and get the same warm feeling in his chest as he had now.

The two of them had fallen asleep cuddled up last night after showering together. Totally platonic shower time like all homies have. Nothing kinky had happened so no heads need to be going into the gutter.

"You done?" They asked.

He squinted at the drawing before replying with "Yep!" He handed the sketchbook over.

The drawing was quite realistic but Remus had added some withered flowers in their hair  "Awww you made me look cute!" 

"You are cute" He assured before kissing them. 

He moved down and pressed a few more kisses to their jawline and neck. Remy giggled while playfully pushing him away "Come on girl get off. I don't want a giant rat laying on me"

Remus shone up into a grin "I knnoooww you like mmyyy cuddles!"

"I also like the ability to breathe" 

He moved aside and pinched the minimal amount of fat that was on his nearly flat tummy "I know I gained weight at the psych but is it that much?"

"Nonono you're still a lovely tall beanpole" Remy reassured.

Remus pouted "Aww I thought I'd finally gotten thicc" He dramatically cried out "All I want is a juicy bottom to wiggle to annoy people buuuuttt my metabolism is so freaking fasssttt"

"Girl you already exude like...thicc energy"

"Woooahh, thanks" He dragged in their arm while continuing with "So gonna get up? We can pry the eyes from dead birds and eat them!"

Remy rolled onto their side and looked away "Not yet. It's just like a heavy day, I'll get up later...maybe...maybe you gonna have to like drag me up" They sighed.

"Aight, tell me if you need anything" 

He pressed a kiss to their cheek before getting up. He took on one of Remy's t-shirt that had been left on the floor. The enby had pretty quickly realized that Remus haven gotten so comfortable with them he'd started sleeping in the buff while sharing their bed would be the greatest challenge in their life since damn they were gay and he chest and naked chest and naked chest while cuddling and agggggh gggaayyyy. 

Remus went out into the living room and dramatically draped himself over the couch while taking out his phone. He called Janus while fixing his mustache.

"Sup tenacious double D!" The duke exclaimed.

"Hello" Janus greeted while sounding like he'd downed 4 cups of coffee but was still tired "Want to say hi to Lillith?" The snake Lillith.

"Won't say no to that"

"Darling say hi to Remus" A snake hiss could be heard and in the distance Logan saying hello could also be heard "I wasn't talking to you love" Janus leaned closer to the tank and whispered "You just hissed hello to your uncle Remus"

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