I was meant to be yours, You were meant to be mine

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Gays I think this is the angstiest chapter....Good luck :D

Tw: Physical violence (to both good and bad people :D), like 1 sentence of a death threat, 1 paragraph of suicidal thoughts, collars, abuse

Remus was sitting in bed while drawing. He'd been drawing all day because he was free from work. Most of the drawings were bloody and sure his drawings had always been quite twisted but since he had stopped talking about his demented thoughts he'd put them down on paper instead which made his drawings much much worse. Or better depending how you see it.

For a moment he wondered what would happen if he took his things and left. Patton wasn't home so he could easily go. The apartment wasn't cozy anymore like when he'd first moved in. It was a cell right out of a nightmare with a spot of blood on the carpet in the living room, his blood.

The day before he'd accidentally said something good about Deceit in the middle of a conversation. 20 minutes later he was laying on the floor, crawled into a ball to protect himself while droplets from his nosebleed landed on the floor. 'Destroying the carpet' had only made Patton angrier. The only thing he could think about while it happened was that it was all Janus' fault.

After seeing the mix of green and purple bruises that formed on his ribs Remus was pretty sure green wasn't his favorite color anymore.

He tensed up when he heard the entrance door being unlocked. He quickly jumped off the bed and hid his sketchbook behind the element along with his pens. He picked up the nearest book and opened a random page to seem busy.

"Hi love!" Patton greeted with a big smile as he entered the room. He hid something behind his back.

"Hi" Remus mumbled out while kissing him.

"Phew long day at work but I got a gift for you!" He held forward a small blue box with a ribbon on. Pat doesn't deserve to work at a dog daycare.

"Oh...thanks" He carefully opened it. Inside was a dark green collar. One of those stylish ones that were clearly made for a human but still looked like a dog's collar "Thanks" He repeated while staring at it. He was unsure if he was supposed to take it on.

"No prob Bob! I thought since you like those edgy chokers" he said while dragging in the choker around the other man's throat which made it hard to breath "You'd like a proper collar! Look it even shows who you belong to"

There was a small metallic looking plate attached to the collar. When Remus turned it around he could see the words 'Belongs to Patton'. He could feel bile rising in his throat.

"What are you waiting for" Patton said with an excited tone while forcing his choker off "Put it on!"

Remus stared down into the sheets on the bed as he put the collar on. His cheeks heated up when he felt kisses against his neck.

"you look like such a cutie" He exclaimed between kisses "I hope you never take it off"

"Uhh obviously I'll have to for work and stuff or everyone will think I'm some kinky fucker who's into beastiality or some shit" He just wanted it off. He had to get it off. It was suffocating him without even shortening his breath.

"Language!" Patton moved away and tilted his head "Oh I thought I talked to you about that, silly me must have forgotten" He laughed "This is just a suggestion but i think it's time you quit your job"

"B-but I like cleaning the graves" He mumbled out while picking at the collar.

"Sure sure" He waved his hand as if to wave his words away "But wouldn't you much rather have a bunch of free time. I mean I could quit mine and let you do everything but I let you quit because I love you and I want you to be as happy as you can be. I mean think of all the things you'd have time to do if you don't have to work some pesky cemetery job!"

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