So long and Goodnight

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Tw: Painkillers, description of sickness, vomiting, overdose mention. Sorry if the beginning is a bit disgusting but I like to keep my fics realistic and I have a lot of first hand experience with overdosing sooo

Remus was laying cuddled up next to Remy. Their arms were wrapped around his torso and their quiet snoring was the only sound in the room. It was nearing half past 1 am but he couldn't sleep for even a moment.

He'd moved away from the warm embrace his friend had had around him. For once they were actually sleeping soundly and he didn't want to wake them.

It had all started a few hours before. First the exhaustion came, the extreme one. The kind that etched into his bones and didn't let go until his eyelids were heavy from being open. Then all his movements and sounds became slower, it was like his life was a movie played at half the speed. Then his heart beats became just as slow, so slow it felt like it could stop beating any second now.

He'd been so tired, so so tired. So he waved goodnight and snuggled up under the blankets. He hoped he would fall asleep quickly and everything would be fine. He hoped he would fall asleep quickly and disappear into his dream for forever.

But no sleep came to him because the pain closely followed. A pain so bad all he could was clutch his stomach and hope it disappeared. A pain so bad he constantly shifted where he was laying so maybe he could escape from it by sleeping. A pain so bad so when he looked back at this night his brain would barely let him remember this moment so he didn't have to relive it.

When Remy came in at 1 am Remus was somewhat able to hold back whimpering and pretend like he was sleeping. They way they cuddled up to him and nuzzled into his neck almost made him feel better.

Now at 2 am it became too much. His mind was dizzy from how bad it hurt and his body ached so badly he doubted he could walk.

Finally the part of him begging for help won. He whined and shook Remy's shoulder to wake them up.

"Whhaa....what is it girl?" They asked while rubbing their eyes "Anotha nightmare? Need a hug?"

He shook his head and continued to whine. His hands were shaking and his forehead was sweaty. Suddenly everything came up into his throat, literally. He covered his mouth with his hands as his eyes widened from surprise.

Remy got the message and threw out a couple of swear words as they quickly got up from the bed and ran out of the room. They came back with a bucket that was usually kept in a bathroom cabinet. The two of them had had some cheap pizza for dinner and now half of that came down into the bucket.

Remus sunk back down onto the pillow. He breathed heavily while wiping away some gross stuff with his shirt sleeve. For a moment the pain stopped and he thought it had ended but he was never that lucky was he. It came back even worse. His throat was burning up and his heart beat was racing.

"Girl you okay?" Remy asked while patting his shoulder.

He tried to force a smile and nod but instead a whimper came out and a new wave of nausea took over. He leaned his body over the edge of the bed and moved the bucket closer.




He tried to keep count of how many times everything came up. The pain made everything blurry. He was barely aware of Remy fuzzing over him.


There was no food left in him. The only thing left was water and other fluids. His throat was being destroyed over and over by stomach acid.

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