I think you broke my heart again

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Tw: Abuse, unsympathetic Patton, brief mention of choking (this is a bit of a rough chapter and if it's too much you can skip it (: )

Deceit had a relaxed but happy look on his face as he sat around the picnic table. He was idly listening to the twins and Virgil talking about the new Pixar movie. Roman was talking about the good message and the animation and was bitching just a tad bit about the bad parts while Remus was coming up with all the ways the film could have been much better in his opinion (aka bloodier). Virgil was trying to make the message seem as dark as possible just to annoy his fiancee.

The sun was out and it was nice to just sit with his friends and relax. He was absolutely exhausted but he'd much rather be here than to take a nap. Patton was sitting next to him on the left and Logan was on his right.

Suddenly he felt a hand grabbing onto the top part of his thigh. He tensed up but calmed down a little bit when he realized it was just his boyfriend. Dee wanted to move his hand away but he always grabbed on harder and joked about it when they were home alone so he didn't even say anything against it. Deceit stared down into the table as shame took over. He hoped no one saw it. He knew if they did Patton would joke about it being Dee's idea.

Deceit kept zoning in and out of the conversation, he wanted to listen but he was so tired. He'd kept being woken up last night and then he was scared to go to sleep. He didn't want to wake up to his mouth being used f̶o̶r̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶p̶u̶r̶p̶o̶s̶e̶ again.

Eventually he fell asleep for just a moment and his head slammed down into the table which got everyone's attention to say the least.

"Are you like good?" Virgil asked.

He did a thumbs up while trying to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes.

Patton laughed "Cutie didn't I tell you not to stay up all night playing that silly mobile game" He titled his head while smiling.

"Right, whoops didn't think about that" He lied.

Everyone went back to the conversation and Deceit went back to being tired. One second he was sitting up and the next he was laying with his head in Logan's lap. Dee's usual hat had been taken off the nerd was softly running his fingers through his hair. 

He knew Patton wouldn't like it but Logan was so comfortable and soothing and....safe while he was so exhausted. Static was filling his brain and he couldn't fight it anymore. He saw Logan flash him a smile before his eyelids closed.

When he woke up again he was sitting in the front seat of his boyfriend's car. They were moving and he had his seatbelt on.

"Great, you're awake. Logan carried you to the car since we all thought if you're so tired you might as well sleep at home" He explained while not taking his eyes off the road.

"Oh...oh right" Deceit mumbled out the reply.

It was quiet for the rest of the way home. It was a tense kind of quiet, the snake could feel it. He knew he'd done something wrong. His mind wandered to which lies he could use to ease the lash out but he shook his head to get them away. It was fine he told himself, he was just paranoid.

Patton was still quiet as he entered the apartment. He calmly pulled off his jacket and hung it up and he waited until his boyfriend had done the same. He smiled as he leaned closer and kissed him.

Deceit's back got pressed into the wall as their lips meet. Patton moved his hands up around his waist while the snake laid his arms around his shoulders to move him closer. He closed his eyes and let the moment melt away into one of total bliss. Unbeknownst to him the other man's baby blue eyes got small and cold as the kiss continue.

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