Recently a snake offered me a morsel from the tree of knowledge

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Genuine question here: Do y'all actually want Patton dead?

Remy opened the door to their apartment after getting back from work. There was loud music and much quieter humming coming from inside. Remus was jumping around and banging his head while flapping his arms around to the absolute banger.

The enby sneaked up behind him and carefully placed their hands on his shoulders. He screamed and jumped back but relaxed when he saw it was just them. Remy took his hands in theirs and began to dance with him.

He hesitantly followed along and let them lead. Remy suddenly let go of one of his hands and instead spun him around before janking him close to their chest. Remus started to giggle while stumbling back from their embrace.

"Sup gal" They finally greeted "Good day?"

He nodded and went to turn the music off just as the singer sang 'Two trucks having sex, my muscles my muscles involuntarily flex'

"Nice. My day was like soo mehhh. Or well it's like 3 pm can't exactly say an entire day has gone by" They thought for a moment before continuing "Hey wanna go out? Bitch I dunno if you've even seen the sun in like a week"

He shrugged. He pointed at his teeth and hissed.

"Ah a fellow vampire I see" Remy nodded as if that was very important information "So walk?"

Remus held up his sketchbook and titled his head.

"Yeah sure you can take that with you"

He nodded with a grin as he threw down the book and a few pens into a bag before taking on his jacket.

While Remy locked the door behind them they said "Picani, y'know Picani" He nodded "Yeah he always says that arts and other creative shit is like suuuper important for mental health shit. I never do anything creative and I'm doing fucking great"

Remus looked at them skeptically.

"You're right I'm dying on the inside"

'Torture must count as something creative coming up with new torture ways is very creative' The duke wrote into the text to speech app.

Remy chuckled "What? Does it look like my hobby is torturing people"

He swung his arm around them and leaned his head on their shoulder which made it kind of hard to walk normally but it was worth it since he could lick their cheek while letting the emotionless voice of the app say

'Babe you can torture me anytime'

"You're a fucking disaster and you disgust me" They laughed out.

'chop of a finger or two for later use if you get me hun hun' He continued while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"I wish I could kick you out of my apartment right now but we're already outside" Remy was so happy he was acting like his normal Remus self for once.

He laughed as well but his laughter was suddenly cut off when the thought of what Patton would have done if he'd heard him crossed his mind. He could pretty much feel the ropes around his wrists and his swollen cheeks and bruised ribs. Oh god what if Remy wasn't joking what if they were actually disgusted by him what if he'd ruined everything again. Agh he'd nearly become someone worthy of affection instead of pain and now he'd destroyed it all agai-

"Hey hey gal" Remy interrupted while snapping their fingers in front of his face "You zoned out or something"

Remus forced back a smile while shoving the phone down his pocket. He didn't need it. He didn't need to speak.

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