The readers can have a little fluff, as a treat (For being amazing)

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Loceit but if they were chads: Janus: "Have you ever seen a man so pretty you cried?"

Logan: "I'm looking at him"

J: "Bro"

L:"....No homo"

Now onto the chapter!

During the months Remus slowly let himself be taken over a few other things were happening during the same time. Particular 3. 1: Remy got a lot sadder than usual. 2: Deceit had a confrontation he didn't expect or desired to have. 3: Logan became much closer friends with a certain snake.

Let's start with the Remy thing.

Remy (the dramatic bitch) was banging their head into Logan's instead of knocking because they were gruuummppyyyy. When the door opened they nearly fell forward. Instead they quickly regained their posture and leaned onto the door frame with a smirk.

"Sup babe" They greeted.

"Salutations" The nerd replied with an unimpressed look.

"It's like tots an ice cream kind of day so ugh" 

It certainly wasn't the first time 'ice cream time' had happened so Logan went into the kitchen while Remy went into the living room. They put on an overly dramatic sad face and pretended to sob their eyes out. They slumped down onto the couch and put their head in Janus' lap without thinking about it.

"GIIIRRlll I haven't gotten any attention in like forever! It's torture I'm telling you like I'm out - Hi Jan- here trying my best and- Wait a fucking second JANUS?"

They sat up while their eyes glimmered with excitement (their sunglasses hid it), The snake moved away slightly. He was far to unsure about how they would react. Surprisingly their first instinct was pull him into a tight hug.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH" They yelled while still hugging him. Janus gulped and tensed up on instinct "How could you just like disappear on me like that? I heard you and Pat broke up and suddenly you were poof gone, I've been worrying like crazzzzy"

"...Thanks" He replied unsure of what else to say.

"Why are you here out of all places? Like where have you been???"

Logan came back from the kitchen with 3 cups of ice cream. He put 2 of the cups on the table and gave one to Remy who blew him a kiss as thanks. He took a chair and sat down next to the couch.

The snake looked over at him. His expression was one of pleading as if he was begging him to explain or make up some lie about why he was here to Remy.

"Janus lives here now, he didn't communicate with anyone expect for me for a while..because of mental health issues" He looked over at the snake while he said it and got a small thumbs up in return.

"Well I can see that you're certainly getting along" They tried to hold back a smirk while tracing over the fading bruises on Dee's neck. They assumed they were playful ones coming from Lo.

"Darling I would just hate if you got your ugly unkept nails away from my skin" He bit off in return.

Remy did an overly offended gasp while moving away. They'd painted their nails 2 days ago damnit! They decided to change the subject and started to grimace but tried to hide it by swallowing a scoop of ice cream "Uhh with him here I dunno if I should spill the tea I was planning to spill"

"Dear, I'm a stone cold bitch I can manage" 

"....Sure" They slumped down in their seat and let out a groan "Ok so like here's thing I feel like Rere is ignoring me, like we used to hang out all the time and now he's busy with Patton all the time!"

Killed With Kindness - LoceitWhere stories live. Discover now