Let me hold you.....like a hostage

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What happens in this chapter makes it kind of obvious that the idea for this fic started out as 'the school au but what if Patton was the bad one instead of Deceit' so sorry for anyone who's actually read the school au (I won't say names but I see you and I love you), the story diverts a lot from that after this so don't worry

Tw: Vague innuendos, manipulation, minor blood mention right at the end (Don't worry no one gets hurt uwu....in this chapter at least)

Logan woke up much earlier than Janus the morning after. He had places to be after all. Places he usually would look forward too though today there was lump in his throat when he thought about it.

He was meeting up with his friends which was fine but Patton would probably be there and he would probably deck patton if he had to look at him for to long. It was what he deserved after hurting Janus like that. After making his friend so on edge a door shutting to hard made him want to hide.

Before he left he sat down and wrote a note so the snake wouldn't panic when he woke up to an empty apartment.

'Salutations awake Janus

I (Logan) am out on business but I will be back before dinner, If not call me. I do not like that I have to write these following sentences but I think I must. You are allowed to go outside (the key to the door is on the kitchen table). You are allowed to do anything you like inside the apartment as well. You are allowed to talk to any other person you might want to communicate with. If you have another flashback please do call me if you're not able to ground yourself without help'

Logan hesitated before opening the door. He walked over and fixed the blanket over Janus. He smiled when his friend mumbled something about snakes and bowler hats in his sleep. He got the urge to kiss him on the cheek as a way to say goodbye but he didn't want to wake him. He left without another word.

... .- ..-. .

Patton was dressed very differently than usual as he entered the cafe. He had on pink heart shaped sunglasses that completely hid his eyes and a light blue polo even though it was nearing summer.

He shone up into a smile when he saw his friends wave at him. He ran over to hug his dark strange son (Virgil) and Roman before sitting down next to Logan. Remy and Remus was sharing a muffin while chattering about a series they'd stayed up all night to binge. Apparently several people had been robbed and one of them was called a crystal meathead? 

Logan tried to keep his normal appearance up. He tried to enjoy the company of his friends because he normally did even though he didn't show it but it was like Pat's presence was a dark cloud which rained down over his entire mood.

He couldn't stop himself from turning to Pat "Do you by any chance know where Janus is?" He asked while holding back his urge to murder the other man right then and there. "I mean have you found him?"

"Oh my poor honey Dee-bee. I found him all cold under a bridge. He'd gone a little...y'know" He spun his finger in a circle next to his head.

Logan had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Patton was already a piece of shit but he could at least respect mental illness "So you're insinuating he had a serious mental breakdown which is not something to be called crazy over?" He said it in the most passive aggressive way possible while forcing a smile.

"..Yes. He's home now luckily. Horrible cold i'm telling you. Must be because of him sleeping outside. I'll make him some chicken soup when I get home" He lied effortlessly as if it was the only thing he'd ever done. "Or maybe some chili soup since he must have gotten quite...chili sleeping outside" He laughed at his own pun.

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