Heaven help the fool who falls in love

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Tw: being tied up, vague innuendos and gore mentions (Remus y'know)

Saying that Patton's and Remus' relationship moved quickly was an understatement to say the least. They went on dates at least twice a week and Remus started to spend more time at his boyfriend's apartment than where he actually lived. Which was in the basement under Roman's and Virgil's house. He'd chosen it himself because it reminded him of a goblin's dungeon.

They had been dating for barely 2 months when Patton convinced him to move in.

His brother and Virgil was helping him pack the last of his things (most of which were things so disgusting no one else but Remus wanted to touch them) when Virgil said

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean moving in after 2 months seems like too little amount of time"

"Pff Virgin pleassseee I've been friends with him for much longer than 2 months so really I see no problem with it" He responded while putting a jar filled with dead bugs in the box marked 'for future art use'.

"True but it just reminds me of that time you dated that really sleazy guy and you moved in with him really quickly and then he quite literally threw you out like a week later" Remus tried to hide how he winced at the emo's words "Or when you were thinking about proposing to that girl you'd been together with for like 2 months but she broke up with you before you could ask her or whe-"

"Ok ok I get it! I get that I'm such a disgusting dribble of a person no one wants me for long but I think Patton's different!" His eyes were glimmering with hope and his heart hadn't stopped beating out of his chest with excitement since he'd accepted to move in.

"Ugh I didn't mean to be a dick but someone here has to be the one who thinks for more than a second before making a decision" The emo sighed while looking between the idiot twins.

"Don't you mean be the one who overthinks?" Roman teased with a smirk.

"Just because I have some brainpower unlike a certain someone...." Virgil replied while holding his hands up as if he didn't know exactly who he was talking about.

"Come on now my dark stormy knight, don't you think it's gonna be nice to finally have the house for ourself" Roman agreed while nuzzling into his fiancee's neck and pressing a few kisses to it. Virgil couldn't help but start laughing at how it tickled.

"Sure, I guess having to be alone with the worst prince I know will be soooo good" He rolled his eyes before quietly adding "It'll be great"

Remus felt his stomach drop as the feeling of being a burden crept in.

.... --- .--. . ..-. ..- .-..

The first month of them living together was absolutely lovely. They would cuddle every night and talk for hours and spend the weekends outside hiking and looking at animals. Sure Patton always shut him up when he tried to talk about his more demented ideas but that was fine, all his past partners had.

Remus had never gotten this much attention before and that was what mattered. With every kiss on the cheek or breakfast in bed or late night of cartoon watching until they feel asleep in each other arms he fell more and more head over heels in love with Patton.

On that note the reason he did fall so fast was because he didn't really feel emotions on the level as everyone else. Either he felt completely empty or his feelings were maxed out. 

Remus didn't feel sad, he got the urge to cry rivers and cut his arms open and drink until he'd thrown up ten times. Remus didn't get angry, he exploded like an atomic bomb and hid his head under the pillow and threw things around until it'd gone away. Remus didn't get happy, he got filled with bubbles and rainbows and every good thing in the world all at once.

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