It's canon that Janus likes Lana del Rey and I will use that

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Is my plan to make more people ship my obscure ship (Remy x Remus) working??

3 and a half months later

Logan and Remy were carrying in stuff into Lo's and Janus' new apartment. It had an actual bedroom so they didn't have to share the couch anymore. Jan was currently at work but he would be home soon. Lo had found a job as an intern at a science lab for chemistry but he only worked there on week days.

Right now they were trying to get the sofa into the apartment. Or well one of them was dragging it through the door while the other was sitting on top of the sofa while looking at their phone.

"It would be a whole lot easier to carry this if someone wasn't sitting on it" Logan huffed out while trying not to trip over any of the steps.

"Oh please girl this is where I belong. Being carried as if I'm the queen Cleopatra" They replied while making themselves comfortable.

The nerd wiped some sweat from his forehead while huffing once he'd gotten the couch in "So are you actually going to help now or will you be as helpful as a one cell creature?" He asked while rolling up his sleeves.

"Yeah yeah sure gal"

The two of them went back out to the car. Logan took 2 boxes filled with clothes while Remy took one box with books. They dropped the box in the middle of the staircase when their phone notification went off.

"You can't just drop-" Logan began but they interrupted him.

"It's Remus!!!!!" They exclaimed while pressing their phone to their chest and jumping around with a giddy smile.

The duke had been in a psychiatric facility for 3 and a half months now for mental health treatment. He hadn't been allowed to keep his phone since he could have searched up triggering content.

"He says he was released yesterday and have like stayed over with RoRo and Viv. He wonders if he can come over with 4 gallons of fresh blood and a pig head?....Pretty like sure the last part is a joke"

"It better be" Logan replied "I don't want to have to repaint the floor to get the blood away"

20 minutes later the two of them had been able carry most of the boxes and furniture in. They were pushing in the coffee table when loud steps came running up the steps.

"DORK!" Remus yelled while running towards them.

Remy let out a squeal while running up to him and leaping into his arms. They wrapped their legs around his waist and moved their arms around his shoulders so their chests were pressed against one another and he was carrying them. He grinned and hugged them while spinning around in a circle. He'd regained most of the weight he'd lost while homeless so he was able to hold them.

"Girl I've missed you!" Remy said before littering his cheeks with kisses "Missed you super super super much"

"I've missed you too!! As much as I miss going out and eating people at night!" He shone up into smirk "I also enjoy carrying you like this since it really gives easy access to the most vital part of you" He squeezed their ass which made them giggle.

"Pretty sure their brain is the most vital part since without it they would be categorized as dead" Logan muttered.

Remus let them down on the ground again before pulling Lo into a hug "Sup nerdy big time rush member"

"Salutations you annoying cephalopod" He replied. He looked at the scars that littered the other man's arms, there were so many it looked like he was a brown and purple tiger but they were scars not wounds and that was the most important part "You're looking well"

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