Logan gets ready to commit murder

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If anyone is wondering why I can update this so fast I bc most of the chapters are pre written (btw I use Deceit's new name so spoiler warning for that)

It was late afternoon the day after Deceit had left that horrible apartment. He kept on scratching his arms out of nervousness and wander back and forth through the living room.

Logan kept telling him that walking would be bad for his sprained ankle but the snake assured him that the other time he'd gotten his ankle sprained he'd been able to continue on fully well. The nerd winced at the fact that his ankle even had been sprained before. Seeing the purple and black bruises around his friend's neck and wrists made him feel something between disgust and absolute rage towards Patton.

Still Logan did anything to try and make his friend feel better. He suggested hugs (even though he wasn't much for physical affection) or watching one of those bootleg musicals (even though he wasn't much for theater). He even offered some of his precious crofters. Deceit declined it all.

"What if he gets so sad he hurts himself" Janus questioned for probably the tenth time that day "His emtions can get pretty extreme and I still love him maybe I should just go back to him"

"You are in no shape to go anywhere no less back to your abuser" Logan replied. He had his head leaned against his hand as he looked at the other man from the his position on the couch.

"HE'S N....he's not an abuser" He grumbled out while crossing his arms. A part of him knew it was a lie but he didn't want to say it out loud.

Before he could continue someone knocked on the door. Deceit's eyes got wide and his breathing got faster.

"It's him" He hit his hands against his head "Greeeat I love this so much, perfect start in the morning, I couldn't ask for anything better to happen in the whole world. This is really top tier"

"I doubt that it's him but if it is you should hide because if he makes you this scared I do not want him seeing you. After what he's done he doesn't even deserve to lay his eyes on you"

Logan waited until Janus had hidden behind the wall before he opened the door but only slightly so the person on the other side couldn't come in.

"Hiya kiddo!" Patton greeted while clearly trying to come in. His eyes searched through the part of the room he could see.

"Salutations" He did his best not to sound angry. He hid his right hand behind his back because he couldn't help but close it into a fist.

"I've been driving around to people all day and looked but oh gosh have you by any chance seen my sweet honey bunny Deceit???"

"Why? Is he missing?" He pretended to ask while his eyes were cold as ice. He hoped his cold gaze rivaled the coldness of the other man's heart.

Patton stared down into the pavement with a sad look "You see we were cuddling when he suddenly went wild and fought me off before yelling at me that he was leaving. I've been so scared he's slept outside or meet up with dangerous people" He forced a few fake tears forward.

"The way he treated you doesn't sound very healthy. Maybe it's best if you leave him alone" Logan bit off while patting his shoulder to make him stop crying.

"B-but I love him! and I'm ready to accept him making one tinsy winsy mistake"

Deceit had to cover his mouth with his hand to not make a sound. He was so close to running out and hugging him because it sounded like he would actually be forgiven! He remembered how it had been before they moved in together.

Everything had been so nice. Sure sometimes he got yelled at but he was never slapped or hit or woken up in the middle of the night to his body being used. Maybe it could be like that again.

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