They just took a dna test turns out Remy is 100% T H A T bitch

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Tw: Minor blood mention, Implied abuse, death mention

Remy stood outside an apartment door. They knocked to the tune of a kesha song just to be extra. It took a while but when the door finally opened they immediately leaned against the door frame with a smile.

"Sup daddio. No one's paid attention to me for like forever so I'm here to change that" They said.

"Hiya kiddo" Patton greeted with a big grin "Cutie we have a guest over" He called into the house and running could immediately be heard "You should have called before but please come in"

The bubbly man was wearing his cat onesie but it looked like he'd put it on hastily. Remy looked around since they hadn't been to the apartment since....actually now when they thought about it they'd never been here. They shrugged before taking their leather jacket off.

"You want some coffee? OH I baked cookies earlier today!! I tested a new recipe Oh you'll love it!" Patton exclaimed while going off to the kitchen which left them standing awkwardly in the hallway.

Actually Remy was physically unable to ever look awkward, how they do it is a mystery. They fit in in every goddamn social situation somehow. Remus came out from the bedroom while taking on a large hoodie. He'd tried to put as much foundation on as possible but nothing could hide what was on his cheek.

He quickly pulled Remy into a tight hug and leaned his head on their shoulder. They patted him on the head.

"Sup girl" They said with a smile that quickly disappeared when Remus looked up at them.

His lip was cracked and there was a big purple bruise on his left cheek. Patton hadn't liked that he'd searched up signs of abuse on Remy's phone.

They noticed how red his eyes were and asked "Gurl are you smoking some stuff and if so why didn't you call me or did you just get your life choked out of you?"

"Choked" He replied while rubbing his eyes. Don't worry unlike...someone else he'd actually consented to it. "Look" He dragged up his hoodie to show off fresh cuts on his upper arms and chest. They weren't deep enough to bleed that much but there was red stains around them "I didn't do them" He didn't want to say that it'd been Patton's idea to use the knife during the juicy stuff (ugh Jesus gross), he doubted they would believe that.

Remy moved their sunglasses slightly down so they got a better look at him "You okay? That wasn't like triggering? Since y'know you used to" They motioned to slashing something across their wrist.

He shone up into a grin while dragging the hoodie back down "Nope! Why would I??? It it was over a year ago I last did that, I'm fine! I'm as fine as William Dafoe was in speed 2 when he was covered in all those blood sucking leaches, that was kinda hot"

".....If you say so" They doubted it.

Before they had time to ask about the bruise on his cheek Patton's voice rang from the kitchen "Honeypie can you come and help me over here? Kiddo please take a seat at the table or something"

Remus nodded at them before hurrying away. His boyfriend was putting chocolate fudge cookies on a plate. He looked up with a smile and kissed the duke while ignoring the way he tensed up.

"Can I ask a thing from you? Just a tinsy winsy thing" Patton said while caressing his chin "You see since...Deceit would tell other people about my secrets and things I really wanted to keep private I have a hard time letting people in so could you not tell Remy much? About our relationship I mean?"

The duke quickly nodded.

"Good, you're so good" He murmured while kissing him once more. He nearly flinched away.

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