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What was she like. Ok I wasn't still thinking about her....

Maybe I was but who cares I'm just interested. Maybe I could become friends with her.

I don't know. "Sana I hate you!"

"What why!?" I didn't think she could hear me shit. "Nothing!"

"Hehe it's chaeyoung right"

"I hate you!"

"Go get her!"

She came with a girl today. I was surprised. The girl held her head high. Tattoos on her neck and arms. She was exactly who I thought chaeyoungs type was.

I knew she had a girlfriend.

The girl kissed her cheek. Chaeyoung said something and the girl slapped her. What the hell. What did she even say. I walked closer so I could here better. "Stop slapping me"

"Stop acting like a kid. Kiss me back"

"Everyones gonna start shit"

"Who gives a shit. Chaeyoung kiss me" she looked at her with pure evil like she was ready to beat the shit out of chaeyoung.
Chaeyoung sighed kissing this crazy girl.

"Bye baby"

"Bye Chaeng~ see you later...you know for what"
Eww I didn't want to imagine any of that. Oh god no.

I turned immediately walking away. Why did I just watch that whole thing. Probably because everyone else was now. "Woah did you see that?" Sana put her arm around me. "What are you doing here. I thought you had no classes"

"I'm meeting momo."

"Ok whatever"

"Jealous mina"

"I really do hate you." Sana kissed my cheek and skipped away. Ugh


"Bro everyone in the school saw that. Your crazy"

"So everyone should know I have a girlfriend. You know she's been so pissed that every damn girls been looking at me"

"Their gonna do it either way chaeyoung...now this just stirs the pot"

"I told her that but the queen gets her way"

"Your girlfriend is crazy" crazy is just the beginning.
"Whatever I still love her so it's what I have to do. Show everyone I love her"

"I guess so..good luck" Ah fuck me. Stupid girlfriend shit.


So if I wanted to know more about chaeyoung then I'd need to become friends. With her.


With her friends. Yoo Jeongyeon, that girl has eyed me a couple of times but now she's dating Im Nayeon.

I saw the two in the locker room. Chaeyoung didn't have this gym class but I did. My chance.

I walked up to the two.

I stood there.

Just looking at them!


I'll never live this down.

Ok ok. What to say. Ugh. Oh god it's been so long. Ok. Uhh hi I'm mina. Mina is me. Mina is who.
You are.

"Uh mina you ok?" Thank god.

"Yes! I'm ok"

They both stared at me blankly. "Ok. What do you want?"

I rubbed my nape. "Just wanted to say hi. Sana..Uh told Uh...me I—I should. That I should make—Make new friends. So here I am. Yes I am here"

Nayeon burst out laughing. "Yes you are here. Oh god your shaking. It's ok" she pulled me in. Hugging me tight. "Of course. Join us for lunch today."

No no. I didn't want to eat lunch with chaeyoung.
I just wanted to see what info I could get.
"Just you two right?"

"Yes don't worry. It's cute how nervous you are." Jeongyeon patted my back. Nayeon smiled. "Thanks?"

"Haha! Your killing me mina"


"Your killing me. Now?!"

"Yes I'm sorry. I need ten dollars. Come quick!"

Jeongyeon. Nayeon. Where the hell are they.

Locker room. I sprinted as fast as I could.

They were laughing at a girl. "Guys!"
They stopped. "What? You ok?"

"I need ten dollars. Please right now"

"Uh I don't have it sorry. Spent my money yesterday"

"Same" damn it.

"I have some" I've never noticed this girl. She was pale. Moles on her face that stood out. You could tell it took her a lot to say that.

She pulled out money all of it falling to the ground. I went to the floor helping her pick it up quickly. She gave me a tiny smile and handed me a ten. "Thanks so much. I'll pay you back!" I started to run.
"Remind me!"

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