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"Thanks for giving her your money. She would've been dead."


"Her girlfriend is kinda strict about things. I feel bad for her...but they do love each other so I'm not complaining" I'm not about to say it. No no. It's not my business.

"The girl who was hitting her in the head earlier? That didn't look like love to me" just shut up mina.

They both stopped. "Ooo you have an eye on chaeyoung don't you" Nayeon looked me up and down with a smirk on her face.

"Everyone was watching that this morning."

"Not the whole thing just the kissing part."

Ugh. They are impossible. Even if I was eyeing her who cares. They should care more about how that girl treated her. Even if I only saw it once it still didn't look right. "Your impossible to figure out mina. Your always thinking and it scares me. Probably why I didn't ask you out"

Nayeon laughed. "I thought I scared you?"

"You do. But Mina. Ah you never know what she's thinking."

"I'm just trying to look out for chaeyoung because I saw that this morning and it bugged me that's all"

"Ok ok. We accept. Here are table is over there"


"Took you long enough!" She snatched the money.

"Your welcome...." gone.

Fucking beer.

Shit I'm missing lunch. I need to repay Mina too.


I thought maybe I could get through this lunch with no chaeyoung. But no.

"Mina" I'm not ready.

I turned and met eyes with hers. They were wide and big. It was like she held the whole world in her eyes. You look a little down and see the cutest mole. Her lips so full.

Stop thinking like this mina.

"Follow me" really?

"Uh ok" she took my hand and lead me outside.

"So there's a convince store...I'll pay for anything you want. I grabbed some money at home"

"You don't have to.."

"I want to. You really saved me back there. Come on"


She was so shy. The way she walked was gentle and calm though. I liked her energy. Not chaotic like my life always is.

She looked around the store carefully. Stopping at the deserts. A minute went by. "This is my favorite. I love strawberries.."

She smiled. Picking the cheesecake up. "I've never had it"

"Really?! It's so good."

"Then I'll get it" but she grabbed two.


"You never ate right so let's both get one." I couldn't eat it with her though. It's a risk that I'm coming out here. God why would I forget about my girlfriend at times like this. "Ok" chaeyoung you can't eat with her.

"We can sit outside and eat."

"Sounds good" no not good.


I invited her to eat with me. What am I crazy.

"So I saw you earlier...my friend was bugging me to talk to you since I don't really have friends"

"Ah yeah. Sorry about what you say earlier. My girlfriend can be controlling sometimes" more then sometimes. I was it twice already and she's on edge because of That girl.

"It's fine. Clears the air for you and the girls at the school"

"I guess so"

I smiled at her. She looked around then at me. "I should go. Sorry..."

"Are you worried about her?"

"No. It's not that...I'm fine"

"You sure?" I can see right through you chaeyoung.
"Yeah. Thanks for eating with me. See you later"

She got up waved and left me all alone. Whatever her girlfriend was doing to her I didn't like it. If you can't even eat with another girl then what couldn't she do.

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