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Things seem to be getting better. I'm proud of chaeyoung for taking to risk and getting help for herself.

Schools over now and we've been closer then ever. I never would have thought chaeyoung out of all the people would be the one for me. I always thought she was some popular stuck up girl. She's a lot more then that.

"Mina! Look!" Chaeyoung jumped off of the bed and did a dramatic spin in front of me then finally revealing the drawing she was working on.

A little drawing of chaeyoung and me kissing was under it.

I felt my heart flutter. She's so cute. "Aww~" I went over to her and kissed her. She blushed.

"So...I have done things planned." I raised my brows.
"You do?"

"Yep! Tonight I want to take you out to eat somewhere special"


"Ok!" My palms sweated. Today was going to be the biggest day of my life.

"I'm excited~~"

My heart felt so full every second I was with Mina. I couldn't loose her ever. She needed to be mina forever.

Since school was over and I was starting to really feel better, this was the perfect time. The perfect day.

I opened my phone and texted the group chat that I left mina out of.

Guys!! The plan is set now just meet me tonight, bring cameras!——

I wanted to take Mina somewhere special but I knew where I really had to take her.

The moment I fell in love with her.

The convenience store to buy strawberry cheesecake


The night was here. My anxiety was high but I was more excited for what was to come. Me and chaeyoung never went out on dates like this. "Ready mina?"


I had no idea where we could've been going. It was such a far walk. "Are we going to the school?"
Chaeyoung squeezed my hand. "No it's past it...oh yeah mina I wanted to stop at that convenience store on are way"

"Sounds good to me" I gave her a smile and squeezed her hand back. She was so cute.

"I love you~" chaeyoung stopped. "Mina..."

She smiled wide. "Chaeyoung I love you"
"I love you to~"

We finally got to the store. Chaeyoung went in and told me to wait outside.


I couldn't believe I was actually going to do this. I pulled the ring out of my pocket. I spotted everyone in the back of the store waving and smiling. I quickly grabbed a cheesecake and payed for it.

I opened the lid and put the ring right on top so it was clearly visible.

I took a deep breath and walked out hold it. "Guess what I got?!"
Mina turned and a big gummy smile was on her face.
"I knew you would do that, won't it spoil dinner?" I shook my head.

"Not at all. Come on let's share it" we both sat down on a bench and I gave her a spoon.

She looked at the cake.

My heart rate kicked in. "What is there something wrong with it?"

"Chaeyoungs there's a ring on top of it" I pulled it away and gave it a good look.

"You sure?" She reached in and pulled the ring out.

"A ring?"

"Put it on" Mina looked at me. "Is this yours?"

"Mina put it on"

She took her time and slid the ring on her finger.
"Wrong finger mina"

Her eyes suddenly lit up. "Chaeyoung" she stood up in excitement.

I took her hand in mine and got down on one knee.


"Mina will you marry me?" She started crying. "Of course!" The others ran out from the store and hugged us. "Wooo!!"

"Chaeyoung..I can't believe this!"

"I love you mina!"

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