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I couldn't sleep all night. I had chaeyoung on my mind. I was stressed about her health. She may say I'm helping but I've been here and she's still done things that could hurt her.

Who knows the next time she goes out drinking it could be the last.

I sat up and looked straight. Sana was on her laptop trying to do an essay last minute. Chaeyoung was completely out. "Hey Sana..."


The emotions started to take over. Sana put down her laptop and came over. "hey what's wrong?" She ran her fingers through my hair trying to soothe me. I was like a baby trying not to ball my eyes out.

"Chaeyoung...I'm so worried. I dont know if I'm helping her" Sana sighed and pulled me to her bed.
"Mina, I know you love her but here's the truth."

"We can all try and support her as much as we can but if she keeps throwing are suggestions down then there's no way to help her."

"But..Sana I haven't given her much of anything. All I say is don't do this and don't do that. I'm no help.."

"Of course you help her. As long as your trying your best to support her that's all you can do. She has to do the rest"


I woke up to no Mina in are bed. She was sleeping in sanas bed. Sana was on her computer. "Uh why is mina there?"

"She couldn't sleep so she thought my bed might help. I guess it did"

"Oh ok" was Mina that shocked about what I told her. That was my life I put onto her. I didn't want her to worry. That's the last thing I want. No matter how many times I say I don't want anyone to worry they just keep doing it.

My mind went back to the thoughts of the other night. I hurt that girl so bad. She was sent to the hospital because of me. Because I can't control myself. I can't listen to mina. I can't even listen to myself.

No wonder my ex felt bad for me. She had a right to use me like she did. I bet that guy is 100 percent better then me, in all aspects.

There was no way out. I felt trapped. "Hey chaeyoung here's some food momo picked up for me last night. Have some."

"No im ok, I kind of want to go for a walk"

"Let me come with you then. I need some air anyways." I didn't say no. Sana grabbed her jacket and put it on me.

We went to the sidewalk. She linked are arms. "So what's bothering you. I know I'm not close to you but you can trust me"

"Ok...I feel lost."

"And feeling lost means what for you?" What I really felt like doing when I was lost was run or..like the old times I would just stay in bed for days with my girlfriend. She would try to give me some beer. Sometimes I would take it but it would just make me sick to watch her drink it.

And now look at what I was doing. I felt like running into a bar where I could just forget about everything I was worrying about in life.

"Chaeyoung...I said this to mina last night. It's kind of my opinion but I think there is no us in this. There is no Mina and you. Mina had tried all she can to help you but" she pointed her finger at me. "You have to do this. You have to overcome these feelings. We can do everything we can but I you don't want to change then you won't"

"I want too. I was never like this"
Sana sighed and turned. Mina was there walking with us. I didn't even notice her. "I'm sorry.."

"Wait chaeyoung I have an idea. It might help you out" Mina nodded at Sana and took me back to the apartment

"Ok im ready, tell me. I'm up for anything at this point"

Sorry I haven't updated in so long. School has been getting in the way 😔

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