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"How the fuck is it your first time here?!" She held my hand tight and brought me to the back of the bar. "Everyones been here"

Maybe walking into a random bar and talking to a random person wasn't good but whatever. At least she's cute. "And who is everyone?"

"From the area. Your from here right?"

"Yeah I am I just don't go out very much my ex would never let me"

"Ah ok. Well she's gone now. Here I'll go get us drinks. Stay here"

This bar had way to many people in it. Definitely just got myself into something crazy. As long as that girl comes back I'll be ok "hey~"

I jumped back hitting my elbow on the wall. A girl laughed. This wasn't the girl who brought me in.

"Uh hi..." she laughed more. "You look like a scared child. First time?" I nodded and stood my ground trying to look as tall as I could be. Her eyes scanned me up and down. "You should probably get out of here soon before that girl gets you, I see her everyday. She's bad news." ok then.

"I wasn't planning on staying with her"

"Oh good. What were you planning on doing here?" I shrugged. "Drinking" its the only thing i was good at recently.

The girl grabbed my hand. "Come on. Let's go to a more quieter bar"

"Here we are" this was more of a down low kinda place. The mood was dark and a little scary. "Thanks. By the way who are you?"

"Right, I'm Soyeon"

"Chaeyoung, I'm from the school across the way" she nodded while waving her hand at the bartender.
"You seem nice.."

"thanks chaeyoung buddy, what are we five. You can say I'm hot or anything. I'm not gonna kill you" she was hot but this couldn't end up like last time. I promised mina. "Sorry—"

"Ok! Ladies here's your beer" soyeon paid the guy and handed me mine. It was way to strong. "Like it? It's the best stuff around"

"Yeah thanks. I don't wanna get drunk though.."
She laughed. "Really? Then why are you here? Let's have a good time. You know I don't just pick anybody out from the crowd" oh so she picked me the great chaeyoung.

"I really can't get drunk though. I'm sorry" her hand snaked up my back. "Then don't come to the bar"

"Ugh I'm all mixed up don't tell me what to do. I'm confused ok. I wanna keep a stupid promise I made"

"A promise? Haha with who your mother" I rolled my eyes at her and moved away from her hand.

"I didn't follow you to get made fun of"

"Ok I'm sorry. No getting drunk I guess, I'll get you there tho" what.

"Can you not get me there" she hit my arm. "Your boring come on. Be alive your dead over here. Hello is someone home?" she proceeded to knock on my head.

"seriously cut it out" she hit my arm again. "aww"

"why don't you just go so I can drink this alone, I have school anyways tomorrow." she smiled grabbing my waist and pulling me next to her "listen I'm sorry, lets just have a good night. I like you already"

"Ok whatever soyeon. Weirdo"

"Haha fuck you too~"


Jeongyeon and Nayeon let me know right away that chaeyoung was gone somewhere. Why me. Ugh

I just want everyone safe. Who cares if it's her or not... ugh whatever I do care that it's chaeyoung but she promised me to control herself and I trust that.

"I hope we see her tomorrow" Sana snuggled up with me on my bed. She was feeling stressed with school work and momo was out of town now for a couple of days. "Me too.."


"Yeah?" She into my eyes with worry. "I hate thinking about chaeyoung already. Why am I so concerned. I made a promise with her. I just...I just feel like she can't keep it. There's a part of me right now that still doesn't know who she really is. Something bad could happen" Sana sat up and sighed.

"Your right when I saw her drinking at that party I was shocked. I didn't think she was capable of any of that. You know it's because of her break up..."

"How can we help her though I don't want to see her like this. Everything that she's doing is destroying her and leaving me so confused Sana. I hate this" she patted my head and laid my down next to her.

"Don't think about it. We'll see her tomorrow and I'll see what info I can get for you"

"Thank you Sana"


Get out of my head chaeyoung

Please be ok

You promised me

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