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I was worried to pitch my idea to her but this might be the only thing that could help her out.
"Ok tell me. I want to get better for you and myself"

"I think...you should" I looked down. "What?"

"Reach out to your ex" chaeyoung went back in her seat. "Really?" I nodded. "Your still suck on her chaeyoung. Maybe if you sit and talk things out it will give you some peace"

"Mina if I see her I will break down. She destroyed me. Look at me mina. I'm ruined because of her"

Sana came back into the room. She patted chaeyoungs head and sat down on her bed.
"I think minas right. Your stuck on the past. You can't move forward unless you try"

Chaeyoung looked like she was going to cry.
"Hey it's ok. I'm gonna go with you"

"You are? Are you sure?" I nodded. "Of course I'm gonna go with you. Or how about this. We invite everyone and have a big dinner. We'll invite her"

Sana jumped up. "That sounds great! You up for it?" We both looked at chaeyoung who shrugged.
"I guess so.."


I wasn't up for it. Just the thought of her made me want to scream in fear. I gave my whole life to her and she threw me away. Who knows if she'll even come to the damn party.

"It's all planned. We'll do it at the same place as last time."

"It's for today!?" Mina nodded at me and joined me on the bed. I could feel a panic attack starting. She pulled me in for a hug. "I'm gonna be right here with you"

"I love you..I'm so worried about this."


The party was starting. I stayed close to chaeyoung. Sana stayed near her as well.

"Hey you two doing good?" Jeongyeon patted chaeyoungs back. "Yep...ah mina!"

"What?!"I looked around. Jeongyeon started laughing. "I'm just nervous..hold me"
"You baby" Jeongyeon reached out and pulled chaeng in for a hug. Chaeyoung was so scared.
"Your ok son. Come on let's get a drink."


I wanted to be with mina but being with Jeongyeon did calm me down a little. "Here ya go." She handed me a drink. "Thank you..did she say anything when you invited her?"

"She said why, I said because...you were here"

"Jeongyeon! I can't do this" in the corner of my eye I saw her.

She's here. I grabbed Jeongyeon and hid myself with her arms. She laughed. "Just wait till she approach's you. You got this"


she was here. She looked around and then walked to me. She looked uncomfortable. Her vibe felt different then what I remembered. "It's pretty packed here..." she stood with her hands in her pockets rocking back and forth. "Yeah it is. I'm glad you came..it means a lot to chaeyoung. She's really nervous to see you again"

She looked at chaeyoung who was being hugged by Jeongyeon. "Her girlfriend looks nice"

"That's not—" she was already walking away.


I was frozen in place. She was right in front of me. She smiled and then turned to Jeongyeon.
"Hi nice to meet you..." Jeongyeon shook her hand and then came to my side and patted my back.

"Here she is. The star of the party" my ex waved at me. "Hi.."

Jeongyeon left us. "She seems nice. You happy with her?"

"Jeongyeon, she's not my girlfriend. Mina is actually..yeah a lot has been going on. You still with that guy?" The memory made me want to cry.

She shook her head. "Chaeyoung I'm sorry" oh no.


"I'm an idiot...chaeyoung I'm pregnant."

pregnant?!?! "He?..." she nodded. I moved in and hugged her. She was shaky. "Your ok" I knew something about that was off. Everything didn't sit right in my mind now she's pregnant..

"No chaeyoung I'm not ok. Why did I leave you...I was so bad with drinking and I met him. I felt like I was so wrong for you, it was the best choice but now I'm alone. I miss you so much"

"It's ok" now I feel bad.

"Chaeyoung. I have to have a child on my own"
My heart was breaking for this girl. She was crying now. Everyone in the room was giving us looks. Mina walked over and patted my ex's back.

She turned around and hugged Mina. "You guys..I need help"

"We'll be there for you but there's not much we can really do..." Mina looked at me worried. I was worried to. She let that fucking guy ruin her life.

"I should've just..fuck I'm so dumb. Chaeyoung..please stay with me tonight. I just found out about all of this yesterday. I'm scared I'll do something"

Mina nodded immediately at me giving me the ok. "Of course I'll stay"

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