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I went to school with Jeongyeon and Nayeon which was strange. I rather just walk but Nayeon held me by the ear all the way to the school. When they departed I decided to stop at the convinc store.

I was still angry from what happened. School wasn't really a thing I even wanted to do at the moment. Just sitting in anger while everyone had no idea what I was going through would be torture. "Fuck.."
I opened the door and picked out a small beer.

I turned to my left and I saw the same area where mina had picked out two cheesecakes for us.

I really wanted to apologize more. Feeling over came me. I just wanted to be safe. I felt same and clam when I was hanging around mina and Sana. "What are you staring at chaeyoung?" A girl from one of my classes waved at my face smiling. "Just thinking sorry"

"You seem lost. Anyways I was planning on doing this one day so here." She handed me a paper. "What's this?"

"It's the address to my house. We have a huge party every month. Luckily for you it's tonight so come"

"I don't know.."

"Live a little. The most prized person in the school wouldn't even come to a party, how lame does that look. You must come."

I put the paper in my pocket and grabbed a cheesecake. "I'll see if I can." The girl jumped up and smiled wide. "Awesome! You better come."


"Party!!!!!" Momo and I jumped out of the car and headed for the house. It was her first time at a party like this but she was excited. It was already pretty late.

The house was booming with people. "DRINK DRINK DRINK!!" Momo held onto me. "Haha it's crazy already—"


"Is that chaeyoung!?" Me and momo looked past a big group of people to find chaeyoung the one that was being challenged to drink a whole bottle of beer

"Oh my god. It is...I've never seen her at a party before." This was definitely different then what I knew chaeyoung was like. I've been to lots of party's that were held by people at are school and never was chaeyoung there. She did go to the one at jeongyeons place but that's friends.

"Momo let's keep an eye on her."



"Woo your good that this" I was probably on my tenth beer I didn't even know anymore. The girl from the store kept close to me making sure I was in line but she was starting to get drunk.

All the girls were getting to close for comfort at this point. My ears were broken the speakers were so loud. Everything was distorted. "Let's go to a quiet place~" thank god. "I was just—" her lips slammed against mine. Adrenaline went through me.

My body felt giddy. Ah what am I doing.


What was she doing. At a party?? Of course Sana had to call me and tell me this. Ugh chaeyoung get out of my head.

I have to worry about school but now chaeyoung. It's not fair. After what she did...

She feels safe around me. Why isn't she around me then.


"Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung wake up. Here drink this"

God where the hell am I. I sat up. The room was dark. Colors were flashing all around me. "What the hell..."

My body felt warn out but good at the same time.
A bottle of water was handed to me. I looked up and Sana was looking at me. "Where are we?"

"Your heads still at the party isn't it?"

"Party..." oh shit. That girl. I stood up. "Wait! What happened!?"

"Nothing. You stumbled out of one of the rooms and then passed out. I brought you here. Mina is getting some medicine for your head"

"Mina..uh I'm ok. I don't need it I'll be fine" I tried to walk but stumbled falling to the ground. "Chaeyoung your still a little drunk. Go lay on minas bed she said you could sleep there"

"No no. She can have it. I'll be here"
I can't. Not after what I did and today. I'd have to apologize again.

A part of my brain was feeling weird. "Please mina asked me to make sure you did" I sighed and barely made it onto the bed. It was so comfortable.

That was fun. Tonight was fun. That's the thought I knew was bad. Dangerous.

"Here you go drink this." A hand went on my forehead. "Your so hot...maybe have two, ah chaeyoung why.."

"She's so stupid for doing this. She could've just stayed here with me." A hand grabbed mine. "You can't do that."

"B..but. It felt good" she giggled. "No don't make me yell at you"

"Old lady. I can do what I want" she slapped my hand and leaned down. "Ok. If that's what you want"

"T..thanks. Mina"

Another kiss

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