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That whole situation got out of hand. They were bullying chaeyoung. I never thought I'd see that happen and even after chaeyoung fought back.

Chaeyoung was in my arms breathing heavy. I rubbed her back trying to calm her from her panic attack. "Your ok. Just forget them"

"They pushed you mina"

"Chaeyoung I survived a punch from your ex I think I'm ok." I giggled trying to make chaeyoung smile but she didn't. "Your the only one who understands"

"You can't explain things to people like that. They take things in and it goes right out. Don't stress about it" she shook her head and pushed me away a little. "Their going to pick on you all year now because of me"

"It doesn't matter"

"Yes it does!" I moved back. She sighed. "Mina.."

"Mina I love you. I'm not having those people bother you"

She loved me....
"I know...me too. I won't let them bother me. You know I'm strong"

"I won't forgive myself if you have to deal with them"


I was so sick of everything. Everything was fucked for mina now. I can't even go back to school. I can't look after her. "I'm sorry" she hugged me tight and ran her hand up and down my back soothing me.
"You've gone through so much. Just focus on you right now."

"But I care about you" she shook her head. "I've always either had Sana or myself chaeyoung. I know what it's like to be lonely. It's not new to me" I frowned at her. "Your not lonely anymore"

"But I will at school"

"I'm coming to see you every lunch. Ok" She giggled.
I kissed her and sighed. "Mina I'm done with this day"

"Me too"


Chaeyoung worried me so much. Her emotions were all over the place. I had to be at school when I should be with her. Who knows what she could do. I know she was still shaken up from what happened.

"Hey!" I looked back. One of the girls was coming my way. Everyone in the hall was watching us. I took a deep breath. "Tell chaeyoung shes lucky you be with a bitch like you"

Oh god. A hand on my shoulder startled me. Jeongyeon looked like she was ready to fight.
"What's this all about huh!?" The girl laughed.

"You saw that shit chaeyoung pulled yesterday. Boohoo her aww I feel so bad"

I started walking to this girl. "You don't know"
"I bet she hasn't gone through that shit. She's the one using people, using YOU"

The room went silent after I knocked her hard. She stumbled back and then fell to the ground. Teachers immediately called in medical. Her nose was bleeding and she started to cry. My hands started to shake.

The teacher I talked with chaeyoung before brought me to his office.

"Mina what was that"

"Chaeyoung....they don't understand. They mock her they make fun of her"

"It's no reason—"

"I'm not going to let them talk about the person I love like that!" He was brought back. "I understand mina"

"No you don't. If...if I wasn't here I think chaeyoung would be dead or abusing her body with drinks...and now this whole thing with these girls. It's extra stress we can't take!"

He pulled me in for a hug. "Ok go home for the day and I'll talk to all the kids involved"

"Thank you"

I opened the door to find chaeyoung sitting on the bed with her sketchbook drawing a picture of me.

"Why are you here" I ran over and hugged her.
"What mina?"

"I might've punched that girl" chaeyoung patted my back and started laughing. "Damn I would've done it"

"Ah stop it was scary...I want to protect you chaeyoung"

"Thanks mina"

This whole thing felt so childish. These feelings of wanting to protect. These feelings of love.

She really did love me. "Your ok?" She nodded putting her sketchbook down and kissing my cheek.
"I do mean what I said earlier. I owe you so much"

"You owe me nothing. I do it because I love you too"
The smile on her face was huge. I feel like I could just stay like this forever.

Sorry for the short chapter I got more coming soon I just blanked out on thinking this week. Anyways everyone wish Jeongyeon a healthy recovery~~

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