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It was so fucking hot. I kicked off whatever blankets were on me. "Holy shit, Jeongyeon! Turn off the heat!"

I rubbed my eyes and got off the bed. "Wait comeback.."

I turned around fast. What the fuck.

Soyeon? "Where are you going?"

"I thought I was at my apartment not yours ugh." I must've got so drunk last night. I patted my body. Thank god I still had my clothes on. Unlike that time with...Mina.

"Oh shit Mina. Soyeon I have to go to class!"

"Ah wait!" Soyeon got up and smiled. "You'll be here tonight again right?"


"For a drink" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I guess"

"Ok goodbye loser waking me up"


No chaeyoung. "God I'm worried about her" Jeongyeon kept pacing around.

I just ate my food. I didn't want to think about it to much. She's probably in bed with some random girl or even...passed out at a bar. Worse a man could've taken her. "Me too—"

"Mina!" Chaeyoung walked up to me and rubbed her nape. I got up and hit her on the head. "What's that for?!"

"You have us worried chaeyoung" Jeongyeon nodded and gave chaeyoung a second hit and then a third "that's for Nayeon too"

"I'm sorry...I slept in"

"Where did you sleep?"

"No where. I don't even remember but I woke up and now I'm here is that good?"

"So you got drunk?"

Chaeyoung slumped down. "Leave me alone. I'm sorry guys. I didn't do any except get drunk ok"

"Still.." she looked at me sad but then grabbed my hand. She pulled me away.

"Look mina. I'm sorry"

"You should be more responsible"

"Your so annoying ah. Mina just let it slide"

"Let it slide? Chaeyoung drinking is not good"

"Well worrying about me isn't either. Stop, I know I made a promise but whatever. I'm not being held down by you" I gave her an angry look. What is she fucking stupid. "What"

"I know people to be around. I don't need to be around you constantly asking me to do what you want me to do" I put my hand on her arm.
"Chaeyoung. It's not about that. It's about you"

"Well I want to do this mina"

"You want to end up like your ex and live off of beer?"

"It helps ok"

"Chaeyoung your so dumb" she smiled and giggled. She walked closer to me before collapsing in my arms.

I immediately brought her to my dorm without telling anyone. She was out cold. I needed to get her some water and cold medicine. She was starting to get hot already.

"I can't believe your like this again chaeyoung"

Whoever the hell she was with apparently didn't care if she got the proper hydration or not.

Chaeyoung moaned and opened her eyes. She started coughing. I handed her water. "Morning"

"Morning? Why am I here"

"You passed out at the school." She frowned. "Great"

Chaeyoung was on my bed looking up at the ceiling a lot of the time. I had to inform teachers what happened and most of them said it was ok and they would send notes to me and chaeyoung.

"Mina" I put my laptop down.

"Come here please" I went over and felt her forehead. It was still super hot. I moved my hand to her cheek. Her whole face was steaming. "The medicine isn't working.."

Chaeyoung smiled. She sat up. "I'll be ok. Don't worry"


Peaceful. That's how I always felt when I was alone with mina. It was always when I was sick. She cares to much.

I moved over and patted the area next to me. Mina got on and put a cold cloth on my forehead. "Thanks"

I don't know why drinking got me sick like this. "Who were you with?"

"Just some girl. We were talking all night and then I woke up at her place. Nothing happened though" Mina laughed. "She didn't give you water."

"It's not like I wasn't drinking" she smiled and removed the cloth. "You need water too. That girl is stupid"

"So what"

"So what? I would've made sure you got water."

"Yeah" Mina was so cute. She looked away and fidgeted with her oversized shirt. "Cute"

She put the cloth back on my face. I grabbed her wrist and put her arm down.

"Thank you~" I leaned in close to her. Her eyes were locked on mine. She moved her arm out of my grasp and moved the hair out of my face. "I worry about you"

"I know you do"  I could smell her perfume all around me. her eyes went back and forth between my eyes and lips. A second went by and then she let out a breath before connecting are lips.

It was a simple kiss but my heart was racing like crazy. I looked down at her hand that was on my thigh.  "Mina.."

"I'm sorry" she looked so nervous. She wouldn't make eye contact with me. "It's ok" I moved in and she looked at me again. My smile made her smile.

We didn't say anything to each other. We just laidback together. I slept good with her right in my arms.

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