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"Ooo! Try this chaeyoung" rose shoved a strange looking drink at me. The others cheered. "Drink it! Drink it!"

This is how hanging out went at least for these girls. Meet up get drunk and party all night.

I put the now empty glass down. My head hurt. One of the girls. I think she was Jennie let me lay my head on her shoulder.

From this state girls were very pretty. It was like they had a bright glow to them. That was the best part.
No wonder why my ex always got drunk.

The results though are unknown. You never known where you'll end up if you drink too much. Mina

She seriously bugged me about the whole don't do it thing. "Why do people care so much" Jennie shrugged. "Because we do things like this"

She handed me another beer. "It's not that bad"
"To them it's huge."


I didn't understand why she could turn into her ex.

Oh let me just drink away my life because she left me. Why is chaeyoung doing this. Can I even stop it if I could.

When I first met her it was the opposite.

I thought she'd first be like how she is now but I'm just watching her get worse and worse.

The door of the classroom opened. Chaeyoung looked horrible and tired. I almost got out of my seat to go help her.

I didn't need to. She sat down right next to me. "You ok?"


"What why" I felt her forehead. It was wicked hot. "I couldn't sleep"

"What did you do last night? Did they just let you drink to much...your to small for a This drinking" I pouted at her. A smile came on her face. "Mina your spinning..."


"I'm gonna puke"

We both sat on the bathroom floor together. Some how we were able to make it to the dorm without her dying next to me.

Once again she was here half drunk. "Ah my fucking head. Minari~ medicine"

"Minari?" I grabbed the pills and handed them to her. "Yeah minari" I smiled looking at her.

As I inspected close her chest had hickeys on them. They were just coming up. "What are you looking at"

I grabbed the bottom of her shirt. "Hey!"

"Shh" I pulled it up. There must've been more then twenty hickeys. "Who did this?"

"I don't know. A couple girls. Put my shirt down"
I shook my head. "You let them touch you like this?"

"Mina I don't remember shit...I was fucked up"

"That's not good" she laughed. "No shit. You know you ask to many questions. Come here"

She grabbed my head and slammed are lips together.
Not again. She pulled away looking angry and confused.

"Stop caring so much about meeee ughhh. I hate you mina. Stop it seriously. I don't know if I want you to hold me all day or to just leave me alone."

"chaeyoung...I'm trying to look out for you. Your girlfriend did all this stuff"

"But now I understand. Drinking is fun. You know I even thought I saw god at one point. It's crazy!" I laughed and slapped her arm. "No Mina I'm serious. The light was right there. I could almost touch it"

"So your saying you almost died" she shrugged. "Ah shut up downer."

"No if your gonna drink do it responsibly."

"Responsibly. Really?? What's the point if I can't get drunk"

"You can get drunk but not overly and you need to have people to make sure you stay safe"
She turned. "Well you'll make sure I'm safe right?"

"I wouldn't want to see you like that"

"You already have. Look what is this the third time?"
I nodded. Her head went on my shoulder and her arm snaked around my waist. "Whatever Mina. Do what you do. I'll do what I do"

"Do you want me to watch you?" She squeezed me.

"Sure why not. Someone is better then no one right?"

"Yeah of course"

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