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I heard a huge noise. "Oh shit no" I sat up and saw Sana and all her school books dropped on the floor. I felt the spot next to me movie "Mina?"

"It's just Sana" chaeyoung nodded and pulled my arm down. Sana pointed at us and mouthed cute.

"Shut up" I put my hand on chaeyoungs forehead. She felt better again. I guess she just needed sleep.
"How am I?"

"Your good" she sat up and then leaned in. I leaned back surprised for a second. "Sanas here" I whispered.

"Oh ok. Thank you for curing my sickness"

"Yeah" chaeyoung smiled and looked at Sana who was pretending to be doing homework.

"I'm hungry do you want to go eat somewhere?"
It's like the first time but maybe it means something this time.


"I want this! Do you like it? We can share" chaeyoung pointed at a big plate of meat from someone else's table. "That might be to much.."

"Your right. We can ask for less. I haven't eaten good like this in a while. Thanks for paying~" after the days she's been having it's the least I could do for her. "Yeah anytime. I'm glad your better"

"I slept so good maybe that's why I'm better. I sleep so good in your bed"

"Should I just give it to you?" Chaeyoung smiled. "Well you probably make it better"

"I do?" She nodded. "Uh..yeah you do..you um. It's calming with you around"

"Hey umm about earlier actually"

"Yeah what is i—fuck." I turned to where chaeyoung was looking.

Her ex with a guy. I looked back at chaeyoung. She was in disbelief. I saw that her hands were shaking.
"Mina can we go please"

"Yeah let's go. Your ok"


I never felt these many emotions. I wanted to cry but also kill someone. All the memories flashed before my eyes. I was no longer with her. She no longer needs me. It was just so hard to process. To see her with someone else. Does she not think about me at all.

"Chaeyoung. Look at me" Mina waved at my face.

Mina. "I'm sorry..I'm just" She gave the restaurant an angry look. "Forget about her. I've never liked her. I knew since day one she was bad"

"She played me all these years mina.." I felt so hurt when anything would pop in my head about her. I just wanted peace and quiet. My head keeps wanting to think about her. The more I drink the more it all went away. I couldn't remember anything. I couldn't think of anything. Get drunk and then

Get sick but it always leads to a good end. I looked down at my shaky hands. Mina held them. "Don't think about her. Let's go somewhere. Anywhere you want"

"Your bed with just you...please. I need calmness. I can't get her out. I miss her. Mina why do I miss her"

"You have to move on. There's so much more then just her."

Just as I wanted mina held me in the bed. She spoke nonsense to me to help the thoughts. She told me things that surprised me about her. She was interesting, her life was nice. Much better then the life I had. "I wish I was you mina"

"No. Your you and I like that"

"No. I get used and I'm all messed up in the head" she smiled. "Stop thinking like that. Your nice. I like you for you. All your flaws"

"All my flaws?"

"Yeah all of them." She started poking my face. "This one, this one, this one and this one!"

"Ok I get it" her giggle was so cute. I never had someone ever spend this much time with me, just listening and accepting me.

I quickly pecked her lips. Her cheeks started to get all red. "I love spending time with you"

"Yeah...why..why did you kiss..me?" My heart was going fast at the question. I didn't really know why. Why have we kissed so many times. Last night was the first time my heat raced and it's racing again now.

"My heart is racing...I don't know why" Mina put her hand on my chest. "It is..."

We kissed again. I couldn't think of anything else but mina. Her lips were soft against mine. The little noises she would make melted my heart even more. "I like this. Whatever we've been doing mina. I like it"

"Me too." I kissed her cheek and squeezed her tight with my arms, smiling widely when she giggled. "Stay with me just like this tonight."

"I will"

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