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"Hey guess what?" I shut my computer. Sana had just gotten ready for who knows what. "What?"

"Jeongyeon invited us over. Chaeyoungs gonna be there. I invited momo too" why would she make plans and just tell me now. While Two paragraphs into an essay!?

"Your lying right?"

"No. It's the weekend come on mina." I was literally in pajamas. Sana grabbed me and started to pull me off the bed. "Sana!"

"You need to get your butt of this bed and enjoy life"

"I was working on an essay. Ahh"

God My anxiety made everything feel so bad. "Come on mina!" We were at a small apartment complex. I guess Jeongyeon lived with Nayeon.

Sana waited for me to catch up. She turned to her right. I bright red car pulled up. A girl with deep black hair and bangs waved. "Sana! Hi" Sana pulled me to the car.

"Hi momo. This is mina" momo stuck her hand out and I took it. My hand was all sweaty.

Another car pulled up. "Hey" chaeyoung was in the car with her girlfriend. Uh lord help me.

I didn't want to go to a party. I was wearing a t shirt and jeans. Of course I saw that momo was in a dress. Sana wore a bright pink one and chaeyoungs girlfriend had on a black one.

I decided to ignore everyone and start walking to the apartment. To my surprise I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Wait up" chaeyoung must've got out of the car. She smiled and we walked in silence all the way to the place.

The place was actually pretty nice. There were drinks set up and chips. I sat down still nervous for my life. Thankfully Nayeon sat next to me smiling wide. "I'm surprised you came"

"Me too" she laughed and put her head on my shoulder. "It will be fine. First ever college party?" I nodded. She better have not invited more people. "Why?"

"Just asking everyone usually gets wicked drunk. I'm inviting some other friends too. Dahyun, jihyo, tzuyu and that's it"

I have never heard of these girls. "They go to a different college close to us."

"Ok cool..." the things Sana makes me do. I was curious of how chaeyoungs girlfriend would be though.

Chaeyoung was now pouring a drink for her girlfriend. She smiled at chaeyoung and pointed to the spot next to me. Chaeyoung looked at me raising a cup. I never really drank but I nodded anyways. She smiled pouring me one.

They came over. Chaeyoung handed me the drink. "Thanks"

"No problem. Uh this is my girlfriend" the girl stuck out her hand. I shook it. She seemed very confident. Like overly cocky about everything. "Nice to meet you. Chaeyoung makes the best drinks~" I looked down there were strawberry pieces in my drink.
I took a sip. It was strong but really good. Definitely shouldn't drink the whole thing. "Yeah it's really good" the girl smiled and squeezed chaeyoungs cheeks.

I wanted so bad to roll my eyes but I just looked to the right. Nayeon was hugging a girl with wide eyes. This girl lit up the room with her smile. "Jihyo!"
Jihyo Squinted her eyes at me. "Who's that?"

"Oh that's mina" jihyo walked over to me. "Hi. Nice to meet you park jihyo~"

"Mina" she sat next to me and took the drink out of my hand. "Sorry I haven't drank anything all day."

"Jihyo!" Jeongyeon walked over with her arms open.

I felt like a loner in this small space. Claustrophobic with everything around me.

"Hey don't drink to much ok?" Chaeyoung told her girlfriend who just shrugged her shoulders. Chaeyoung sighed and look at me. "I never came to a thing like this"

"Woah really." The two looked at me surprised. "Your just a little girl then" her girlfriend patted my head. Oh I wanted to grab her hand and break it in half. "No...I just like to focus on school"

"Where's the fun in that!?" She laughed hitting chaeyoung in the arm. "Anyways chaeyoung wanna go to the bathroom with me?" Chaeyoung nodded.

I hated that girl already.


It was now extremely late. Everyone was piss ass drunk including my girlfriend. I couldn't drive.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon were occupied with the others. Sana no. This momo girl was the worst of them all.

Mina was still ok. I walked over to her. My girlfriend was hanging on to my arm half asleep. "Mina. Can you drive?"

"Yeah." Thank god. "I need a ride." She nodded and got up to help me with my girlfriend. We both lifted her up so she could kinda walk straight. "Get this girl away from me!"

"Baby we're taking you home."

"I can do it myself asshole!" She straight up elbowed Mina in the stomach. Mina just dropped her and leaned against the wall in pain. "Why did you do that!?"

"I got this" she started stumbling to the door. I went to mina. "I'm so sorry. I'll make up for this. I'm sorry"

"It's ok. I can still drive you"

"I can't believe you did that to my friend!" I got her to sober up a little. "I don't care about your friends. Who even is she. I've never seen her"

"Uh maybe that's because she's a new friend Nayeon and Jeongyeon made. I just want her to feel accepted now you've probably ruined it"

"What's with you and caring lately. First school and now friends. I feel like you don't even care about me"
Bullshit. I couldn't deal with this right now. I was going to kill this girl. "Chaeyoung. Really?" She rubbed her eyes. "Chaeyoung....god my head hurts. I'm sorry."

That's all she ever says. "This has been going on for years....I'm getting sick of it. I just want to enjoy life without you being all drunk and stuff" I took a seat on the bed next to her. "I don't know how to even not drink. I'm sorry. Maybe I could dim it down. I just felt like you didn't even want to be around me. Whenever I drink your always taking care of me and I like that"

"I always want to be with you but I like the sober you better. You need to try" she nodded and pulled me in for a quick kiss.

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