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The night was late. I didn't want to go back home. I was still mad at what she said this morning. It killed me. I don't need her fucking money. I'm the one who puts her to bed. I'm the one who carries her limp body out of bars. I'm the one who loves her.

Fucking ridiculous.

I opened the door and went to the fridge. A beer would be good for tonight. I took a deep breath and headed for the room. She's probably passed out.


The beer hit the floor. My mouth must've dropped with it. My vision got blurry with anger.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" my girlfriend was in bed with a guy. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

She scrambled to her feet. "Chaeyoung...Chaeyoung I...please"

I was shaking in anger. The guy stood up. "You had a girlfriend??" He looked so confused. I tilted my head at him. "Explain!"

"I was planning on...telling you chaeyoung"

"TELL ME THAT YOUR CHEATING ON ME!?" My heart was shattered. Tears started to come up but I gritted my teeth and headed for the closet.

"Chaeyoung. Can we just talk?!" She grabbed my arm. I slapped it away immediately. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME"

"I'm leaving you...HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!" I gave her everything. Every night she was drunk in my arms. "I HAD TO DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT"


I looked at the guy. He stood now arms crossed. "Good luck with this drunk bitch"


Another essay. I was going to kill myself. Sana wasn't even here to help me. Usually she'll help me make up some stuff so I could drag it out.

School was gonna kill me if chaeyoung didn't. I hope she broke up with that girl already. I mean if she really needed a place to stay she could live with Jeongyeon or even me and Sana. I wouldn't mind some extra company. Plus that means chaeyoung isn't around bad energy. She can get her grades up. I could help with that too. I was dreaming at this point.

I typed one more crappy sentence in before someone knocked on the door. I know it can't be Sana.

It was chaeyoung. "Hey hey hey...m Mina Mina right?" So drunk oh god. "Chaeyoung. Are you ok—"

She grabbed my face and started kissing me. She quickly moved in and shut the door bringing me against the wall.

Fuck fuck. What the fuck was going on. Chaeyoung what's up with you!? I could feel a panic attack starting.

I could hardly breathe she was kissing me so hard.

"Shh" her hands ran up my shirt.

No way was this happening. My fantasy turned into a remix. "Your so cute~" she looked into my eyes and smiled widely. "Chaeyoung your drunk"

"No no I'm not. You don't want this?" I didn't say anything because half of me did want this. I have no idea what made her come here. Even if it was beer it still means something.

She picked me up and brought me over to sanas bed. Sana would kill me for this. "Just you and me tonight. No worries right mina?"

I nodded. Something happened. They probably broke up. Chaeyoung I feel so bad for you.

She kept laying kisses all around my face which made me smile like a kid. "What is this funny?"
"No it tickles. How would you like it"
What gave me the balls to do that. I started from her neck all the way to her lips and forehead. She was now the one smiling.

I stopped when her hands moved my shirt up and she started kissing my belly. Her hands took there time to feel me, moving up and down stopping at my breasts. I shock faded away at this point.

She grinned then uncliped my bra throwing it across the room. My heart was beating fast. Never in a million years would I expect this. Chaeyoung in my bed looking at me and touching me like this.

"I like your body. It's soft" her hands then grabbed my breasts, enjoying how they fit in her hands. She squeezed my nipples making me moan lightly. The feeling was so good.

Her tounge went in between then all around teasing me until they reached my nipple. She licked in circles making sure I was fully pleased. I couldn't really hold in my sounds anymore. At this point I didn't care. It felt so good.

She took of her shirt and bra fully exposing herself to me. She had a large scare on her shoulder. I ran my finger along it until another one was on her chest. That time I leaned up kissing along it. She let out a long breath like she was in pain. Her eyes were stuck on mine. I put my arms around her neck. "What happened?" She shook her head. "Ignore it. I'm ok, touch me more"

I did just that, taking her breasts in my mouth. Her hand started moving down until it got to my center.
I moved up kissing her lips. She smiled again now removing my jeans. They landed on the ground.

Chaeyoung went in charge now more aggressively touching me all around like she was hungry. In the midst of the feeling I could see a couple of tears rolling down her cheek. That just confirmed that they broke up.

Her hand went under my underwear now on my center like she knew exactly how I liked it. She went fast making me moan louder. My mouth was on the crook of her neck trying not to yell bloody murder everything felt so good. That's all I need is someone complaining about sex noises.

My hips rocked against her fingers. I didn't even notice that my underwear was now gone and her face was at my center. She licked my inner thigh enjoying everything about me.

Finally her tounge played with my center making me wetter then I've ever been. "Mmm your so wet Mina"

My hands clutched the bed sheets hard almost ripping them. She inserted two fingers digging them deep inside of me. It felt like an electric wave of euphoric feeling going through me at every second. I was getting close and she knew it.

A couple quick movements and I was done. Feeling took over me completely. I moved fast with her fingers. My body shuttered at the feeling. My eyes rolled back. It was an explosive orgasm.
Chaeyoungs name was on my mind. That's all I said. That's all could think about. "Chaeyoung~"

Chaeyoung why did you come here. She stopped and came up kissing me softly giving me a cute smile before cuddling close to me. "Jaljayo~"

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