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The alarm for school woke me up but arms were holding me down.

The arms of my girlfriend son chaeyoung.
My girlfriend! A burst of excitement went through me as I realized yesterday wasn't a dream. Chaeyoung was actually here. She was actually my girlfriend. I had a girlfriend.

"Chaeyoung I have to get ready" she groaned like always. "Don't leave minari"

"You said you would bother me" she pouted. "Ok good bye~"

"Bye~ Sana is gonna be here today so get along"

"Ugh ok"

Jeongyeon and Nayeon immediately pulled me aside. "Where have you been?!" Nayeon put her hands on her hips. "I've been with chaeyoung"

"Good. I was getting worried you had died"

"Don't you two call Sana?" They both shrugged. "Whatever so hows chaeyoung."

"Oh yeah she's staying at my place now" their jaws dropped. "What?!"

"I want to keep an eye on her" Nayeon elbowed me with a smirk on. "Why~"

"We're dating now. Leave me alone" I started walking away. Jeongyeon grabbed me before I could get far. "Your dating chaeyoung? The girl who everyone wants to date"

"Forget that. Don't you guys know more about her? What makes it weird for us to date"

"Your nothing like her last girlfriend" I rolled my eyes. "Guys she was practically abusing chaeyoung on the daily. You guys do know what chaeyoung has been up to right?"

Nayeon nodded. "So she didn't get over the cheating? I thought she would by now.." I shook my head and frowned. Jeongyeon sighed. "But so she's got you now?"

"Yeah. I don't know the past couple of days have moved by fast...I just want to keep an eye on her. I get worried" they both nodded. "We understand. I'll come back later to bring chaeyoungs stuff"

"Ok thanks"

"No problem chaeyoungs girlfriend!" Ugh


I didn't just want to sit around on the bed all day. I started looking through some of minas stuff. She had some cool clothes not much though. "Perfect"

A blanks book. I could sketch while I wait.

The door opened seconds later. Sana walked in looking tired. "Hey chaeyoung. Wheres mina at class?"

"Yeah..um hey I'm staying here now. Is that ok?" Sanas brows raised and then she ran over to me giving me a big hug. "Of course. Why this all of a sudden" I rubbed my nape.

"I'm kinda...dating mina now"

"What?! The last thing mina told me was that you liked her. Now this? That's great. She's great to be around chaeyoung. Enjoy her" I nodded.

A great person who won't use me or say mean things or drink. I felt a peace for once. Mina my girlfriend.

I still couldn't believe my ex and what she did.
Sana sat down next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Is it that hard to forget?"
"It is...you think after what she did but I can't stop."

"You just take things slowly ok. Mina and all of us will be here like always. I love you chaeyoung" I smiled wide. Sana was so open with people she's the one who gets mina out of her shell. "Thank you for having mina as your friend" she laughed.

"I'm the one who told her to go make friends with you." She got up and checked her phone. "Here let's ho eat lunch with everyone"

It was weird going back into the school now that I knew I'd never be able to take a class again.

Everyone looked at me like I had three eyes. Probably because I was wearing minas clothes.
Sana was holding my hand leading me to the table. I swear this girl is to bubbly.

I immediately saw mina and got a burst of excitement. She smiled at me surprised. I sat next to her. "Hey your here"

"Sana suggested it" Sana nodded stealing some of minas food. "I'm glad your here. I missed you"

She missed me? My heart melted. I kissed her cheek.
She blushed looking around hoping no one saw. But everyone saw. At this point I had nothing to loose and if couldn't even give my girlfriend a kiss then I'd be sad. Sad because it's the only thing I have.
"I missed you too. Where's the others"

"Their coming." Sana kept giving us a weird glare. Eventually she stopped taking minas food and left us. Mina turned to me. "Sleep well. I felt back leaving you all alone"

"No I'm ok. I looked through your stuff" I just realized that sounds so bad. Ugh chaeyoung.

"Sorry...I found a blank sketchbook. Can I use it"

"Yeah of course. I see you already used my clothes." She had a big smile on and moved back to admire how they looked on me. "You like?"
"Yeah it's cute" I could listen to her call me cute all day. What's with having a girlfriend who's actually nice and gives me compliments.  "Your cute today too. You look tired though" I attempted to rub away the small bags she had under her eyes. She giggled and grabbed my hands putting them down because people started to walk up.

"Hey chaeyoung why do you keep skipping class and what's this. Your dating mina?" This is one thing I didn't miss. Fucking people wanting to butt into my life just because I'm hot looking. I don't even think that. I prefer minas cute description about me.

Mina looked uncomfortable with them. "Yeah I am. Leave us be" they looked shocked. "Loser your not gonna date someone better. Everyone watches you"

"No one really knows anything about me. I can date whoever I want. Fuck off" I was starting to get angry. It was always a game with these people when I first joined this school. Even though I had a girlfriend secretly I had to play along. I didn't want to be a loser at college. I'd occasionally flirt but I stopped once my girlfriend got more and more stern about every little thing I did.
"Damn what happened to you?"

These were the people. The kids who just wanted to get in my pants. Mina never wanted to.

"Can you fuck off?!" The girl stood her ground laughing. "Hey! Everyone Chaeyoungs dating Mina!"

They all laughed. "Aww the big hottie is now embarrassed because she's dating this" one girl shoved Mina. They all started laughing.

I stood up and grabbed the girl by the collar on her shirt. "Don't touch her again" I shoved her back and stepped forward. "Fucking pathetic, your all pathetic. You'll never understand shit about what people like me go through" the girl in front rolled her eyes.

"You have it made—"

"I DONT!" My heart started racing. "MY EX WAS AN ALCOHOLIC! YOU FUCK" at this point authorities were called in and immediately stopped the situation. I turned back to mina who looked shocked at what I just did. I was shaking.

She wiped away my tears with her thumb and pulled me in and walking me out of the lunch room.

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