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The sound of whispering woke me up. I was still half asleep. "Ugh..shut up Sana" I moved to my side where something big was. I put my arms around it holding it close to me like a pillow.

More whispering and giggling. The thing I was holding moved and groaned. I opened my eyes. Chaeyoung was rubbing her eyes.

Chaeyoung. Oh god. I sat up

Sana and momo waved at me. Oh fuck.

Wait. I was still naked and so was chaeyoung. Chaeyoungs arms pulled me back down and she continued wanting to sleep. "Chaeyoung" she looked at me. "What...what. I wanna sleep"

"Chaeyoung. Sana and momo are here"

"What? How" she sat up. "What the fuck?" She felt around now realizing everything.

"Get the hell out of here guys!" She pulled the blanket over are body's. They both left in a hurry laughing.

"How long were they there. Christ" she sighed moving up over me to her clothes that were on the floor. I got up to. "Here I'll do it" I picked up everything and put it on the counter. "Thanks."

Chaeyoung sighed again. "I'm sorry" I turned. "For what?"

"Bringing this on you last night. I used you because of how I was feeling. I'm sorry. I'll never do it again" she walked over and hugged me. "Its ok chaeyoung. I told you I'd be here for you"

"But not in that way. Your my friend...look my girlfriend..Ugh I don't wanna talk about it. You know" I nodded. "It's for the best. If you need somewhere to stay"

"No. I can stay with Jeongyeon and Nayeon. I don't want to bother you"

"Ok.." I rather have an eye on her but that's ok.

After chaeyoung left Sana and momo entered with huge grins on. "Mina~" Sana licked her lips.

"I knew you had a thing for chaeyoung" I rolled my eyes and pushed her away. "I didn't think she'd come last night. Ah it was all crazy"

"Crazy good" not momo too. "I need to finish this essay goodbye guys. Off to the library"

"Ok chaeyoungs girlfriend"

"Shut up!" They don't know what chaeyoung is going through.


Why did I go to mina last night!? Ugh. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts before knocking on jeongyeon and Nayeons door.

"Chaeyoung. What's up?" Nayeon pulled me in bringing me to the couch. "What's in the bag" she grabbed it, pulling out some of my clothes.

"I'll say this fast. She cheated on me" Jeongyeon walked out. "What?! She cheated on you...Chaeyoung" she ran over and gave me a big hug patting the top of my head.

I didn't want pity. I should've known how things were going.

I licked my lips. The taste of bitterness stung them.

"I just need time to myself. I'm sorry. Tell mina I'm sorry again. Fuck this.."

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