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Mina didn't have to deal with those people again thank god and she loves me just as much as I love her.

Sana came into the room today with momo and started cooking food. I was alone staring that the ceiling. Momo pushed my legs aside and laid down next to me yawning. "Hi chaeng~"

"Hi momo" Shes just like her girl friend, too comfortable. "How's your girlfriend?"

"School. Yours?" Sana walked over with two plates in her hand. "She's good"

"Here guys"

"Thanks baby!" Seeing them like this made me want to go get mina. I could see mina getting all red when I called her babe. "Is there any food you guys need later?"

Sana showed me a list. "I wanted to pick this all up for this week. I'll give you the money" it was only a couple things so I agreed. I wanted to get out of the house and pass time so I could go see mina at lunch.

Thankfully it was only a couple of things so I could go to the convince store right by the school. This is where mina got the cheesecake.

I smiled as I walked in. "Chaeyoung?" Soyeon was looking at the magazine's. She waved me to her.
"Why are you here?"

"I get bored and come here to read, you?"

I pulled out my list of things. She nodded and grabbed a little basket for me. "I'll help you"

"I missed you at the bar chaeyoung"

"I've been dealing with girlfriend things sorry. I don't think I'm gonna go to the bar anymore" Soyeon gave me a look but didn't speak on it.

When we finished she walked me outside and then started following me back to the dorm. "I'm good"
"Uh..I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out after you put those away"

"I want to get to the lunch room though" she hit my arm. "Let the girl be she's learning"

"Not during lunch"

"Boohoo come on. Like I said I'm lonely your the only person who is ever around these days." I just accepted. I didn't want to start anything new. That other girl yesterday was enough to deal with. Thank god mina punched her.

We put everything away and come across the bar. It felt better in the light. Less creeps and just the day drinkers. I looked at Soyeon. She pointed at the small ally way. "That's the bar Soyeon"

"Last night I checked out the club right next to it. Turns out there connected. Come on" she forced me down by shoving me along. The sun above disappeared until it was just a stairway. I could see flashing lights at the end and feel the beat of the music from below.

"Look who it is" me and Soyeon turned.

"You again.." that girl from the school. I could kill her right now. "I see your cheating on mina"

"What makes you think that" I looked down. Soyeon let go of my hand. "Maybe that"

"Fuck off. I'm still with mina"

"I don't care about mina. I care about how you fucked everything up for me because of your little boohoo story" the girl had her fists by her side.

"It's not boohoo it's real life. Shit that you have never went through"

"Should I start crying. Wait wheres my wallet I have to get you some change." How can anyone say shit like that. "Stop acting like this when I know damn well you just wanted to be in my pants when I first joined the school"

"I wouldn't fuck you now if someone gave me a million dollars"

"Good. Can you fuck off now" she laughed.

"Can you go back home to your parents? Oh wait you don't have any around"



Chaeyoung wasn't home when I got there. She brought the food back though.

Chaeyoung not again. I headed out for the bars that were in the area. None of them had chaeyoung in it. I hate that I have to even look inside of bars

My anxiety was getting worse by the minute.

"We need help!"


The only thing that stopped me from running was a rock. I fell face first on the ground.

My body was shaking with adrenaline. I looked at my hands that were covered in blood.

I was in the light. I put my hands under my shirt and some how got up even though my hip was now in pain from the fall.

"Chaeyoung what the hell did you do?!" Soyeon looked at me like I was crazy.

I was. That girl was on the floor bleeding out.

"Oh god what did I do..."

"Fuck" I found the nearest restaurant and headed straight for the bathroom.

I'm gonna go to prison. That girl knows my name. Why did I run. She can't be that hurt. She has to be ok.

I ran to see what happened.

The girl from my school was covering her face. Blood was all over the ground. A couple of people were try to tend to her but she kept yelling at them.

I walked up to her. "What happened" she peaked through her fingers. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME MINA!"

A person pulled me back. I turned. It was that other girl. "Why are you here?"

"It was chaeyoung"

"Chaeyoung did this?!" I sighed in frustration. How could she hurt someone like this.

We all heard sirens from the ambulance. Soyeon grabbed me away from the sene. "Where is she?"

"She just ran away. That way" she pointed straight. I started running.

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