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All the girls were bugging chaeyoung today. They kept asking who the girl she kissed was and why she was so great. I could see chaeyoung was underwater just trying to get to the surface and breathe but it was impossible with these hungry girls.

"I'm dating momo"


"Eh? Speak up Sana"


"your kidding right?" She laughed. "No I'm not."

"When did this happen!?"

"When you were out trying to get in chaeyoungs pants I went for a date."

"Good for you and I wasn't trying anything. She has a girlfriend remember? She wanted to pay me back for the money I gave her"

"Pay you with what" Nayeon jumped on Sana. "Uh do I know you?"

"Im Nayeon...."

"Oh yeah! Hey! So hear me out. This one thinks that she wasn't trying to get into chaeyoungs pants yesterday."

"Definitely was."

I started walking away. I can't deal with these idiots.

Chaeyoung. God she was approaching me. Nayeon and Sana pulled me back and now Jeongyeon joined in.

Chaeyoung looked at us all confused. "Hey guys. We make new friends?"

Nayeon shook her head. "Just getting notes. Come on Jeongyeon....bye mina~"
Sana hit my back and ran off.


"I don't know what's wrong with them. I got to get to class though. Enjoy your day mina"

"You too!" Too happy mina.

"Uh yeah..bye"


Mina Mina. Why are my friends hanging out with you?

Why were you with them. I don't even know if you were seen with me. If you were and then now we were seen again. I'm in deep shit.

"Thanks for skipping class again. Realized I was pretty bitchy yesterday...sorry" another apology.

"It's ok. I'm used to it" I fucking hate it.

"I love you cub"

"Love you to"


The only class I have to eye on you and your not here. Your friends are though.


"Hi mina what's up?" Jeongyeon patted the seat next to her. I gladly took it. Nayeon came in from behind putting her chin on the top of my head. I'm glad they felt comfortable around me. That's a plus.

"Where's chaeyoung? Doesn't she have this class too"

"She's been skipping a lot don't worry her grades were really good so she's got plenty of points to loose before shit hits the fan" But just one class kills your grades. The amount of notes you miss. She probably just gets it from them. "So. What's with all the chaeyoung that and chaeyoung this mina~"

Nayeon put her arm around my neck. Jeongyeon did the same. A couple kids from in front of us looked back obviously wanting to hear as well. Chaeyoung was always the talk around the school. "She's friends with you guys I thought you'd be more concerned with her missing class" they shrugged.

"She mostly does her own things so we don't worry.


She actually let me come back to school. My grades were starting to drop I was getting worried.

I walked in. Everyone looked at me. All the girls smiling wide hoping that I'd sit near them. I saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon all the way at the top with mina.

Once again mina was with them. I walked up and smiled at the three "hey chaeng" Nayeon pulled me to the seat next to mina. She smiled at me.
"Hi nice to see you again" mina nodded "you to"

All this was fine I guess. Nayeon and Jeongyeon probably just wanted someone new because I was leaving all the time. It bummed me out but mina was nice.


Nayeon leaned over from the seat above putting her chin on my shoulder. "So mina you live with Sana?"

"Yeah I do." Chaeyoung raised a brow. "You live in the dorms?"

"It's all we can afford...though I have wanted to move. Maybe we will now that she has a girlfriend. I don't know where this momo lives"
Jeongyeon coughed. "I had no idea Sana was gay" Chaeyoung and Nayeon nodded. "Uh yeah she is. I wasn't to surprised. She's always really touchy to everyone"

I looked up Nayeon had a smirk on her face. "Are you?" Chaeyoung looked directly at me with a curious face on.

I didn't know what to say. I've always been attracted to girls but I've never been with one or a man.
"I..t-think so. Yeah"

They all looked at me shocked except for chaeyoung she just smiled and looked at her phone when a text popped up. "Woah. See I told you Nayeon this girl has secrets" chaeyoung looked up. "Secrets...you two just met her so of course you don't know personal stuff like that"

Exactly. "What did you already know she was gay from your little date??"  Chaeyoung rolled her eyes hitting Nayeon on the side of the head. "No I don't know anything." She looked at me with a shy expression. "Uhh thanks for telling us, it's definitely personal. If this helps Nayeon is the gayest person I know..and I'm gay too as you probably already knew"

I smiled back. She was nicer then I had originally thought she would be. I always got rushed vibes from her like she was always doing something. "Yeah...I feel better now" she smiled wide showing two cute dimples that I wanted so bad to poke.


I was definitely surprised to know that mina was gay but I knew some how Nayeon and Jeongyeon would attract another gay into are group. She was so different then them tho. Calm shy and wicked nice.

I opened the door to my apartment to find my girlfriend flat face on the ground with a pack of cigarettes spilled all of the floor and a empty beer bottle in her hand. I quietly picked up the cigarettes and picked her up in my arms taking her to the bed.

The number of times I had done this was making me pissed every new time it had happened. She had no job. Her addiction took over her everything. I couldn't be here to child her due to school. That was the only place I could actually get away from her and I enjoyed it but I really did love this girl even with her problems.

I had some of my best times with her. "Your heavy" I kissed her forehead and cuddled up next to her hoping she could feel better when she saw me.

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