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A part of me was worried about chaeyoung being alone with her. She was a reck.

She let her addiction take over her so badly she got pregnant from some random guy. "It's ok. Wanna stay here tonight?" Jeongyeon pulled me in for a hug. I nodded. "Thank you"


"Thank you for staying.." so many memories flooded back into my head. This kitchen, this whole space I spent with her in love...

The place was a mess. There were beer bottles and cigarette butts everywhere. She took a seat down on the couch. "Hasn't changed in here right?"
"You can't drink and smoke while being pregnant..your gonna hurt it" she rolled her eyes.
"Chaeyoung Im not dumb. I was just...not in a good place yesterday. Come here"

I didn't come to her. I started picking up. The amount of times I had to pick up this place for her.
"Chaeyoung you don't need to"

"Yes I do. You'll never do it if I don't especially when your like that" she got up and came over to me grabbing one of the bottles from my hand.

"Like what?! I'm scared chaeyoung. I'm so scared!" The bottle went on the floor making a million small pieces. "Hey hey! Calm down, I didn't mean to come across that way. I know your going through a lot"

"You wouldn't know..."

"I wouldn't know!?" Now I'm the one yelling. I looked around.

Here I was standing back in this toxic space with this toxic girl. All I wanted was to be at Jeongyeons spending time with Mina.

"Chaeyoung I'm sorry" she started to cry while trying to pick up the glass. "Forget about that...come on"

I sat her down next to me on the couch. "Look it may seem like I have a great life now with mina and everything but ever since you've cheated on me I've been trapped. Stuck in my head. I can't get out. I've been going to bars and hooking up with other girls...I'm just as bad as you in a way."

She reached out and put her hand on mine.

"Sana and Mina told me that they can help as much as they can but in the end it has to be me who wants to change. I want change...I always wanted to see you happy. With no cigarettes and no beer. I never got to see that but I'm not the point, the point is do you want to see yourself change? Just imagine you waking up to baby everyday and that baby is your life. Your can't imagine drinking your life away when you have something way better then that in front of you. It's like that for me with mina. I want to quit because I know that mina wants to see me get better. I want to get better for her. I hope you want to get better for your future."

"Of course I do chaeyoung. It's so hard. I've told you this so many times, how...what do I even do. Stay here trapped in my own misery? I'll kill myself chaeyoung"

She has no more will to live. There was no way I could help her. "Please don't..."

I broke down in tears. I couldn't handle all of this.
The woman I used to love is going to leave forever.
Her shaky hands grabbed mine. "I..I have to chaeyoung. Just like you I have no family, my money is becoming nothing..."

"You you! Can stay with me...or Jeongyeon, or anyone. Umm you could go to a rehab and raise your kid..you could—" I was trying to come up with anything I could.

She kissed me hard, her tears touching my cheeks.
"Goodbye chaeyoung. You know I've always loved you. I'm so sorry"

"No no no. Please no!"

"It's for the best..."


I couldn't sleep knowing chaeyoung was with her ex.
I couldn't imagine how chaeyoung was feeling knowing that guy got her ex pregnant.
"You think she's ok?" Jihyo asked. "I don't know"

"I'm sure she is mina. Don't worry" dahyun gave me a pat on my shoulder. "I hope so—"

My phone rang. It was chaeyoung.

"Mina. Can you come pick me up...I'm alone here"

"What happened?"

"I called the ambulance...they took her in. Mina please" I looked up. Jeongyeon had her car keys ready. "I'm on my way. Stay calm"
"Ah mina...please"

The second I got inside the house any good energy that I had was drained. The condition of this place was horrible. There was beer and cigarettes, glass all over the floor, blood stans and chaeyoung sitting on the couch in tears.

"Fucking hell..come on chaeyoung let's get out." Jeongyeon was just as shocked as me.

I went over to chaeyoung. She hugged me immediately. "Hey it's ok. Let's go home"
"Mina. She..she was going to"

Jeongyeon patted chaeyoungs back and we both helped her get together.

Chaeyoung wouldn't stop crying. She told me everything that happened. I was shocked. I didn't think things would turn out this way.

I was thankful though. Thankful that her ex could get some help before anything serious happened.

Seeing chaeyoung like this hurt me so much.

I brought myself into her world. I fell in love with her but I feel like I'm helpless here just watching her suffer.

My grades were failing. I was constantly worrying.

All I want is to be at peace with chaeyoung.
"I want you to feel better. What can I do chaeng?"
I ran my hand through her hair as she laid with me on the bed. "Nothing.." her voice was weak.

"Please. I want to help you"

"There's nothing Mina. I'm sorry...moments keep flashing, I'm trapped."

"Can I do anything? Chaeyoung. I feel so bad"
She shook her head again. "Just stay with me. Like I always say this helps"

"It doesn't feel like it"


"Chaeyoung stop! Stop it!" Glass shattered on the floor making horrible noises. "I'm helping you!"

She ran after me trying to get my phone.

She was too late. I hung up the phone and grabbed her. "Shh, they'll help you. You have to do this"

"No! Chaeyoung! Please...please" I couldn't accept what she wanted. She deserved better then where she was taking herself.

"Mina. I need help..maybe we should figure something out"

I was afraid. Mina was right she was helpless. I needed something more.

Something to get me through this. "Ok. Here we can look online and maybe get you set up with someone to talk to."

"I'm scared. How am I supposed to tell someone when it's hard to even tell you these things..I hate this"

"It takes a while but eventually you'll be able to share your story...chaeyoung I'm proud of you for this. Even if it's just a little step forward"

Hearing minas words made me tear up. I loved her so much. "Mina. Once I'm feeling better I want to spend my whole life with you, your so amazing"

"I'd love to spend my life with you. I love you chaeyoung"

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