First Time Together

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When Jimin and Namjoon decided to go to the former's house, they both had different ideas in their heads. Namjoon was excited for a fun evening of movies and cuddles and deep talks but Jimin wasn't in for a sweet fluff session. It took him a lot of time and effort and some coaxing from both Taehyung and Yoongi that he needs to lead the way in his relationship. So when he suggested the idea of Netflix and chill, he meant business. But the one thing stressing him out was if his message was clear to Joon or not.

To Tae:
Dude I did what you said! Now I am scared!😟

From Tae:
Don't worry bae. I am sure Namjoon hyung is having a hard time because of your costume and dance😉

To Tae:
What if he doesn't want it?

From Tae:
🙄... talk and get on with it. Hyung might not say it but he wants you too!

"Who is it?" Namjoon looked from the road towards Jimin.

"I was just talking to Tae."

"Oh! About what?"

"Umm we...we are-"

"Is it between you friends?"

"Yes you can say that." Jimin smiled.

"We are here. Let me just park this right here." Namjoon stopped near the back gate.

"My parents aren't home. You can park it in front of our house."

"No let's just stick to the back."

"Well okay..." Jimin said unlatching his seat belt.

"Shall we?" Namjoon opened the door and offered his hand for Jimin to hold. Jimin couldn't do much except for blushing and kissing Joon on the lips and accepting the gesture.

Crossing the small garden at the back and the servant quarters, the couple was finally in the main house through the room containing all the cleaning and gardening materials. Jimin was hopeful for tonight, so he had his staff leave early for the night. Jimin had planned for dinner as well, so having ready material in his kitchen wasn't a problem.

"Come I will show you my room."

Namjoon nodded and followed the other. As he was being dragged upstairs, Joon took time to take in the house's interior. It wasn't as warm as his own and there was too many antiques and fancy stuff here and there. The stair case had paintings instead of family pictures unlike in his  home. Actually there were hardly any pictures in the main hall. The walls had rich and pastels shades, the doors and windows made in some aristocratic European style. It was beautiful but not welcoming. Three doors from the stairscase, Jimin finally took him to the said room. Now here was the place where Joon felt something, some emotions. The room was in shades of peach and pink with cherry blossom wallpaper from the corners to the centre of the wall. Near the study table, was a big photo frame collage and it had pictures of Jimin and Jungkook from childhood until now. A very young Jungkook's photo, maybe on his first day of school was placed on the shelf near the bed. Looking around Joon also saw a medium sized television on the wall with sound systems on either side of it. Beneath the television set was a rack with football shoes and different footballs and just above it was a rack having all kinds of medals and trophies.

"You can sit here. I will just get you some shorts to change into and YEAH! I will go and cook something for us. I hope you are hungry cause I am starving! Joonie here is the remote, you can select something to watch and..."

"Minnie chill!"

"I know... it's just you are here for the first time and I just got-"

"It's okay." Namjoon kissed him slowly. "You have a very nice room."

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