First Sleepover

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The plan was to be finalised so Taehyung called Jungkook to meet at a nearby cafe. The school students were already keeping tabs on them ever since Tae went and conversed with his rival Jungkook.

In all the school years, never had a Kim or Park actively talked apart from any study matter. So seeing the school cutie run all the way to talk to the school hottie was a great event for all. Right now also Tae had chosen one of the emptiest cafe in the town to plan further.

He was wasting his time on Insta and sipping Ice-Tea when someone suddenly sat in front of him.

"Sorry I am late. I actually had football practice and the buses are generally slow. Sorry I am rambling a lot-" Jungkook said in a hurry.

"Hey it is fine. Honestly I am happy you are talking. Never seen you speak before though." Tae kept his hand over Kook's, gently tapping it.

"Oh yeah.......we don't talk a lot even though we have all our classes together." Kook pulled his hand back to fumble with his jersey below the table.

"Yes, even though we have all our classes together."

There was moments of awkward silence that followed the last statement until Tae spoke again.

"Do you need anything? Don't worry the treat's on me."

"Well I will..umm..yeah.. Okay I will have a banana smoothie with whipped cream on it." Kook searched through the menu to fianlise his order.

"Okay big baby! One banana smoothie with whipped cream coming right up." Tae laughed at his childish choice.

Tae left to order leaving Kook to nervously fidget in his place. He had no idea of what he has to say ahead. If shitting in one's pant had a face then it would definitely look like Jungkook at the moment. Soon the brunette returned with his order.

"So before anything I think we should discuss all the things we can or cannot do while we are fake dating. I think skinships are essential so they need to be there. With that we can sit closer in the classes. Well we can also share hoodies or spend time in your dorm while everyone notices us."

Jungkook listened intently not speaking once. He concentration was completely on the way Tae's pink lips moved as he spoke. The different hand gestures he used or the way he thought of other things. Can strangers kiss on first date? was the only question in his mind at the moment.

"Oh also I think we should kiss a lit-"

Even before Taehyung could finish his sentence, Jungkook started coughing violently. Kissing was something he had never thought of and the brunette mentioning it was more shocking.

"Hey hey calm down okay! Damn boy you scared me!"

"So-sorry I just.... Did you really say kiss?"

"Well yeah.... But we can cancel that if you want. Although the people might find it a little strange but we can work with pecks I think."

"Oh no no I am fine with kisses. It's just that you don't generally hear the school's crush asking to kiss you."

Tae giggled at this followed by Jungkook laughing too. As Tae wrote down all the 'we can' points, Kook resumed doing his earlier work- that of admiring Taehyung. People said he was more beautiful up close and Kook was no one to disagree with that fact.

"Wait you didn't give any points yet. You should give some or this will look like I am forcing you to do stuff!"

"I have nothing to say..."

"Oh c'mon. Think you big baby."

After several minutes and staring at his hands, Kook spoke-

"Well you can add that you can come to my football games to cheer me."

He looked so lost and small as he said those words that Tae wanted to jump and take him into a bone crushing hug.

"I don't really have anyone to cheer me during games." Kook continued.

"What about Jimin?"

"Appa doesn't allow him to come and cheer me. But he tries most of the time."

"Well now you can stop worrying about that cause not only will I come but bring my crazy ass friends with me. And I promise I will cheer the loudest too!"



That left the raven head all giddy and happy. His squeals were inaudible but were definitely there.

"So here is the contract of our fake dating. You can read it once and sign it then."

Jungkook went through the whole thing before leaning to sign it when Tae brushed a thumb over his cheek and really close to his lips. He followed the said thumb only to see that Taehyung was sucking on it.

"Oh sorry there was some cream on your cheek."

"It's okay."

They both smiled and signed the papers. On the way back Tae drove them and Kook told him about how his bike broke down a day before and about his upcoming football tournaments. All the while Tae had one question is his mind..

Why do we hate them? Jimin and Jungkook are the cutest beings on the planet. So why exactly??!!

Once the dorms came into view, Kook prepared to leave. As the car stopped outside his block, he rushed out because of his nervousness and started leaving. Climbing a few steps he turned around to see Tae still looking at him with a big smile on his face.
Guilty of running away he returned to the car.

"Well... Do you wanna come in? Like see my dorm?"

"Oh heavens! I thought you would never ask that."

After parking his car and stuff, the boys found themselves outside Kook's dorm. Some boys saw them and Tae seeing this, backhugged Jungkook. But he was unaware of the frantically beating heart of the other and the light blush that crept on his face. Once inside Taehyung hopped on the bed.

"Your bed is so comfy and those paintings my god!! You should try being in the art class."

"I wish but being in it means extra fees and my scholarship just covers my regular studies and sports." He sat on the bed with Taehyung.

"Umm.. I think I know an excellent teacher who can help you with art!"

"And who would that be?"

"He is sitting right in front of you now."

"What-stop!" Taekook started laughing and Tae slowly laid down on the bed.

"I swear this is the best bed ever! I think I will fall asleep right now." he then took a cushion and hugged it. "I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all. Good night then!"

"Good night!"

I hope someday this cushion won't be between us Tae.

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