First Jealousy

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The sitting arrangement amongst the four boys at the top row of the bleachers was a bit vague.

Yoongi and Hoseok sat in between while Jimin sat beside Yoongi and Namjoon beside Hoseok towards the end of the row. Now Yoongi and Hobi could have sat together and so could Jimin and Joon but the they decided against it since Jimin didn't want to angry his father by sitting beside "Kim" Namjoon at some Psychology project.

"So that's how you brought Jiminie? By telling his dad that you were doing Psychology together. Pfft Jimin doesn't even have Psycho." Yoongi laughed.

"You might laugh now babe but be in my shoes once. When I went there Mr.Park examined for half an hour before calling Jimin.  In that time he got to know all my life history. I know how I escaped. Right Jimin-ah?" Hobi said with his hand on his heart acting as if he will faint while the others snickered.

"It was actually hilarious hyung. I didn't know if I should be quiet or laugh at Hobi hyung."

"Next time I'll pick you up." Yoongi said.

"Oh don't hyung! Who knows if Mr.Park will give you a lecture at how you don't match Jimin's status and wealth." Namjoon said casually.

All the three looked at him and Jimin was a little hurt but he didn't show it.

"That was a low blow man." Hobi said.

"Yeah a bad joke indeed Namjoon-ah!" Yoongi frowned.

"What! It was a joke guys. See Jimin has no problem." Namjoon countered.

"Yeah..." Jimin said.

They all turned towards the field.


The run from the dorms to the field was less tiring than the whole kiss and seeing Jungkook in all his glory thing. Tae was so red and so hot from those five minutes in the dorm. His heart beated so fast that even running now couldn't match those beats. He finally reached the stands and reaching his seat beside Baek.

"Finally Tae! God the fansites are here."

"Hyung they are just people gosh. We are more important. We are the ones these famous players are dating."

Baek went silent at Tae's reply. Was he really giving too much attention to them? But he knew anything he does will be reflected on Yeol's feedback so he was doing right thing then.

"Wait until they bad mouth Kooks cause of you Tae!" Baek mocked him.

"Sorry hyung but they love him for being a good player and not cause of my manners. If they love him for anything other than his talent and personality....I won't care for them either."

"Why are you rude?"

"Me? Rude? No hyung! I am pissed. I am sitting here while these dumb shits with huge cameras are waiting for my boyfriend not to take pics while he scores but let me quote it- "WAIT UNTIL HE LIFTS HIS SHIRT UP!! Wooo.... Yeah". My Kookie isn't some commodity waiting to be stripped. And I checked their posts. Most of their posts are filthy. Some bashing me too but what hurt more is they that care for his looks and not skills. My boyfriend is more than just a pretty face and those who love our boyfriends will support us if we co-ordinate our clothes or not! Sorry to be rude hyung but you all placing them on the pedestal while it should be your partners is bad."

"What do you mean Tae?" Irene asked. "We are doing this for so long and you can't just call us out like that. Maybe if you were less jealous it would have been great."

Tae couldn't take it and stood up gaining eyes of all the members.

" Yes I am. That is my boyfriend and I am jealous. When was the last time you were jealous noona? Or for these camera you started acting calm too? We act and fake and then we turn into those moulds forever leaving our original selves behind. The selves these boys fell for."

"Shut up Tae!" Baek whispered.

"Maybe that's why you and hyung fight all the time 'Noona'."

All were shocked at Tae's outburst. Irene and Baek the most. The group had discussed their problems with each other but never thought that Tae would say it out loud. The game hadn't started and till then all the members tried thinking about what Tae said. He was right. They were bounded and puppets of these cameras. They thought about it while Tae kept staring at those camera girls with a deathly glare.

Soon the players came on the field and loud cheers could be heard from both sides. The spectators stood up hooting and cheering- shouting the names of their players and school.

Jungkook soon spotted Tae and waved. Tae waved back sending flying kisses enthusiastically making Kook laugh.

"You are lucky he does that." Minho told him. "Irene stopped doing it so long back. Even if I propose now, all she would do is wave her hand like Queen Elizabeth."

"True man!" Chanyeol said.

"I don't think so. Try once. They will wave back for sure."

Minho and Yeol huffed but did so and the reaction was one that they expected. Both the men looked sad but smiled at Kook anyway.

In the stands, their pics were being taken but Tae didn't give a shit and jumped and cheered. The others saw this but didn't say a thing but when Minho and Chanyeol waved and Irene and Baek didn't show much response- they saw their sad looks. The story was the same for all members except Tae.

"KICK THEIR ASSES KOOKIE!" Tae shouted earning laughs from all the people and the team members and Kookie and also his flying kiss.

How a small gesture it was but it made their boyfriends smile and laugh more than they could and that moment others knew that Tae was right- they were letting popularity intrude in their relationships too much.


30 minutes into the game, everybody was engrossed in it but Jimin's attention wavered back to Namjoon now and then to find him talking to the girl sitting beside him. They had been chit-chatting since the start of the game and Jimin was sad. What had he thought? That by being Joon's friend he could do it all. He had no right to be pissed. After all Namjoon treats all his friends the same.


Jimin's stare broke at the announcement and cheering. He missed his team's first goal cause of Namjoon. He reminded himself that he came here for his brother and should focus on him now.

Yoongi and Hobi were noticing everything and let's say that Namjoon was planning his own funeral right now.

As the game reached its end, Faith Academy had three goals. One from Mark and one from Minho- both assisted by Jungkook. While the third goal was a penalty by Kook cause Chanyeol was pushed and injured. Overall Kook had one goal but he assisted everyone shot he could. The first game was done and the results were good but like the other team Jimin was  sad.

Namjoon ignored him completely and he missed the game over-thinking about something he knew never existed- the thought that Namjoon and he were sort of together after he had confessed. But today everything was clear.

He was jealous for no reason cause Joon wasn't his.

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