First Step

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When the bell rung that night, Namjoon wasn't expecting to find Jimin standing on the other side, crying his heart out. The moment Jimin saw him, he let go of his bag and ran to hug him. Crushing Joon's shirt tightly between his small fists, Jimin placed his head over his chest and cried. He just kept crying and crying while everyone around him tried to pacify him either by running their hands through his hair or by rubbing his back. Namjoon held his waist gently with both hands but didn't interrupt him. It was what Jimin needed. He needed to let it all out and he finally was letting it go.

Jungkook on the other hand tried to pick up the fallen bag but winced due to the pain drawing Yeri and Tae's attention towards him.

"Jungkook you okay son?" Yeri asked concerned.

"Yes, mom." Kook tried to smile.

"Why did you wince then Kookie? Show me!" Tae rushed to him replacing Yeri.

"It's okay Tae..." but Tae didn't stop. He pushed the sleeve of Jungkook's hoodie up to see a blue-purple mark there.

"What is this?" Tae asked with big curious eyes.

"I got hurt."

"Appa hurt him." Jimin whispered.

"WHAT!" It was Minwoo this time.

"He pushed him." Jimin hiccupped.

"And what happened to your hand Jimin?" Joon asked taking his fist to examine it.

"Hyung punched him." Kook answered for him.

"What?! Jimin you did that?" Namjoon brought him back to look at the smaller male.

"Yes. He hurt Kook so I hurt him."

"This is a mess. Namjoon take Jimin to your room, Tae you take Kook. We will talk tomorrow." Yeri said rubbing her head.

"I left his house." Jimin said to Namjoon but everyone heard him clearly "I couldn't do it anymore. I don't wanna live there. I want to live with you Namjoon. Here.... With you all. I don't wanna go back. I don't wanna go back..." Jimin started bawling his eyes out again.

Minwoo then slowly pulled Jimin out of Namjoon's hold and opened his other arm for Jungkook. Once he had both the boys close to his chest, he kissed their heads and spoke.

"This is your house. What you did today and Jungkook... what you have been fighting against for years... I am so proud you two. You are stronger than any person in this room. Even stronger than me. But now... I want you both to forget that life. You are going to live your lives as a normal teenager should from now on. You bring your problems to us and we solve them together as family. No more thinking about Park. I will take care of it. Just study, play and work hard on your dreams. You got it...?"

Both the boys nodded lightly.

"Now go and freshen up and go to sleep. Tae can sleep with Jimin and Joon... you can share your room with Jungkook."

"NO!" both Joon and Tae shouted together and then looked at everyone. Everyone was smiling now.

"Well Minwoo, Tae and Kook are a couple so they can share a room. But Joon and Jimin... why don't we let Jimin take the guest room." Yeri suggested.

"Excuse me!" Joon pulled Jimin towards him "we can share a room."

"But we aren't dating Namjoon." Jimin looked up at him.

"You know what... whatever. We are sleeping together." he held Jimin's hand, pulled him gently, picked up the bag and walked upstairs.

"C'mon boys, you two go upstairs too. And no more talking just go to sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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