chapter 23

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because I know you " he said
"huh! I don't understand hyung" I ask confused.
" I know you even before you became my sister " he said
"really hyung where did you first saw me than" I ask, I somehow became so excited to know about it when he said that.
" I don't know ,I forgot " he said and I pout
" fine, than let me tell you where I fist saw you "I said and he looked at me and nodded his head.
" I saw you the first time in the convenient store, I was buying some groceries with my mom than I saw you wearing black hoodie and blank pants, you looked so handsome and I told myself that I wish he was my brother than I saw you in college everytime, hyung you know I always look at you guys from the window whenever you all pass our class " I said happily
" so you mean the first time you saw me you wished I was your brother " he ask
"mmmmm hyung"
" what if I didn't became your brother and it was other, will you still wished I was your brother " he ask
" ummm yes" I said
"why? " he ask
"ummm I don't know"
"whom do you like more among seven of us"
" I like everyone but I like you more "
"why? "

" I don't know maybe because you were the first I saw, but hyung why are you asking me so many things , now let me ask you" I said "hyung do you ummm like somi " I ask I don't know but I just wanted to ask him.
"no" he replied "than do you have crush on anyone or do you love anyone" I ask again.
"why are you asking me that anyway"
"oh I just wanted to know after all you're my hyung and I should know who you love " I said
" you really want to know "
"yes hyung I really want to know now tell me hyung"I said than he turned me around and held my waist with his both hands than looked at me. I look at him confused and he pulled me more closer, my heart couldn't stop beating.

" I don't have crush on anyone but I definitely love someone and I really want to make her mine forever " he said directly into my eyes like he was saying to me , I felt nervous again.
" ohh th... than who is she" I said whilst trying to move but he held me so strong.
" she is near me..... "he said , my heart skipped a bit " yet so far away" I looked at him and he looked at me, his eyes looked so different this time, the way he was looking at me, I couldn't comprehend and I gulped.
"hyung th... than who is sh.. she? "
" I'll tell you when the time comes now it's too late you should go and sleep " he said and kissed my forehead before holding my hands and taking me to my room.

after he went back I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but something distrub me, I couldn't sleep, all I could think and wonder was who is she hyung was talking about. I wonder how she look like, is she beautiful, does she have long or short hair, is she tall or short, I started thinking all of this , I wanted to see her but something hit my mind. what does hyung mean by "she is near me yet so far away" I tried to understand but I couldn't. does he mean somin but he said he don't love her, than who it might be. "she is near me yet so far away " I repeated again and again trying to understand but it was all in vain. should I ask Jimin and kookie hyung tomorrow I thought. but why does my heart always beat when I'm near him and why does I feel a bit sad when he said he's in love with someone. what is wrong with me. Is it because he's my brother and I am his sister that I feel this way. does other girl feel the same when they are with their brother. I can't understand I should ask Hana about it but again how will I ask... I was thinking about mant thing that I didn't realize I fell asleep.

My dream brother (kth × y/n) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now