chapter 39

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I woke up early and took quick shower before changing into my uniform and going to class. I wanted to avoid hyung as far as possible, I don't wanna fall for him more when I know we cannot be together.

It was still so early when I reach the college , I didn't wanna enter the class so I went inside the library.
I took a random book and sat down when I heard something fell down.
I stood up and look around to see Soobin picking up the books that fell down.
" soobin " I said and walk to him and helped him picked the book.
"y/n what are you doing here so early? "
" oh well I just woke up early and what about you " I ask.

"I came here to put these piles of books " said soobin putting the books on the shelf.
"let me help you " I said and try to keep the book tiptoeing but my height was so short that I couldn't reach.
soobin chuckle behind me and took the book from my hand " you're so short " .
" I'm not short you're just so tall " I said and turn back and look up to only meet his eyes.
he stared at me " what are you looking at? " I ask and was about to move aside but he blocked keeping his both hands on either side of the bookshelf.
"what happened? " I ask
" you know you're so cute " he said coming closer .
" soobin " I said
" can I hug you ? " he ask and I frowned.
" what happened to you suddenly? " I ask but he didn't say anything and hug me.
" can you hug me back " he said hugging me more tight, I didn't know what happened but I hug him back.

"Ahem" someone cleared her throat.
I turny head to the side to see somin and hyung standing. I quickly remove my hand and push soobin.
" hyung.... sis " soobin and I said in unison.
" what are you guys doing here? " ask soobin.
" we came here to take some books but what about you guys " ask somin raising her eyebrow while smiling evily.
" we .. we were just arranging the book " said soobin.
" but that was not what we saw, do you guys have a thing for each other " said Somin.
"no" I quickly reply looking at her.
"y/n " said hyung.
" I think we should go to class " I said before he ask anything without looking at him, I felt nervous I couldn't look up.
" yeah you're right " said soobin
I quickly walk away from them.

" soobin, y/n " said Hana on seeing us.
" good morning hana " wished soobin sitting down.
" wait? soobin what happened to you why is your cheek so red " said Hana looking at soobin closer " why are you blushing " .

" who said am blushing? am not" said soobin lookin away from Hana and she look at me her eyebrow narrowed.
" what? " I ask.
" did something happen to you guys " she ask and I quickly shook my head.


" you guys not going, you know I'm hungry " said soobin .
" we're good you just go " said Hana.
" alright " said soobin walking away.

" y/n tell me how did you and soobin came together and why was he blushing " ask Hana
" I met him in library "I said
" and" Hana ask
" and what? nothing "
" and why was he blushing, I know something happen "
" why are you so stubborn? fine he hugged me" I said.
" ohhhhh I see now" said Hana giggling.
" stop giggling you know hyung and somin saw it " I said my head down.
"what? you're hyung saw you guys hugging wait what was he doing there and with somin? "
" I don't know maybe to take books anyway I don't know if he ask me anything " I said.
" no but wait, don't you think it's good I mean he saw you and soobin hugging so maybe he will think you love soobin "
" it's not good I already told him that I don't like soobin "
" Y/n than why don't you just accept him, you know he was confessing to you through song , I'm telling you you won't be able to avoid him "
" no I can't, I can't accept him he's my brother and what will I tell my mom and dad , will I tell them that I love hyung my brother I can't Hana"
" your parents will understand, they are lovers and they will know the feeling "
" No, anyway I'm going to stay with mom and dad ..... "
" oh so what if you stay with your parents you think he won't follow you " Hana interrupted me.
" I don't know but I have to avoid him as far as possible, I need to get over him" I said.
" you think you can easily get over him " said Hana and I look down.
how can I, I can't . I love him so much and every time I saw him I fall for him more so how can I get over him , I can never .


The moment the bell rang I ran out of the class quickly.
if hyung saw me than i won't be able to go with mom and dad and I have to go I don't want to explain to hyung if he ask me anything.

I walked quickly out of the College gate when I heard my name " y/n "
I slowly turn my head to the side to see Namjoon hyung leaning against the wall.
" Namjoon hyung" I said
" you're going, let's wait for others "
" hyung, actually I.. I want to stay with mom and dad "
Namjoon hyung furrowed his eyebrow " why? you don't want to stay with us"
" no.. hyung it's not like that I just want to spent some time with mom and dad " I said.
" did you tell Taehyung ? "
I look up at him " no... I didn't I... hyung can you tell him "
" why? you can wait for him maybe he will go too" said Namjoon hyung.
" no... I... hyung can you tell him and everyone please " I said.
he looked at me narrowing his eyes before nodding " than let me drop you " .
" no fine hyung I'll go by myself "
"Than you have to wait for Tae"
" Fine hyung you drop me " I said

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