Chapter 9

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Midnight looked at Steven as the vines danced around her, "every time I look at you in the eye... it only reminds me of my broken past." Steven felt like he just got stabbed in the chest when he hears this and tries to counter this statement. "Midnight, please! If I am the reason you are hurting then tell me! Don't hold inside and allow yourself to get blinded by revenge!" Midnight looks at her gem that engraved into the palm of her hand then slowly touched the gem mark that was on her cheek. As memories flash through her mind that slowly broke her to the point she fell to her knees, "I can't let it go! I can't let it go! I am sorry, I am sorry that I locked you away in the crystal garden! I am sorry...!" 

Steven gave her a confused look at her, "crystal garden? Midnight, please, let us help you." Midnight look at Steven with nothing but hatred in her eyes, "you think you can help me and talk this out with a so call friendship speech!? You can't! You never heard or seen a single piece of evidence of the Black Court's existence until you met me! I am living proof that the Black Court's existence in the gems history record!" Steven took a step towards her as she backs away from him, "that may be true but we can work together to help fix any mistakes tha -." Midnight instantly drew out her fans and got into a fighting stance, "mistakes!?  Mistakes!? You call wiping out an entire court from existence a mistake!"

Steven remained calm as everyone gave him a worrisome look, "Midnight, would you please just lower your guard and stop being or threatening us with violence!?" Midnight pointed to White Diamond as she glares at Steven, "as long as I bear this gem mark and she is in denial of what she and the other diamonds did to the Black Court, I will never lower my guard to you!" Everyone was in shock when black vines grew out of the ground and surrounded Midnight. Steven drew out his shield as anger boiled inside him, "Midnight! Please, we can help you!" Midnight rolled her eyes at him, "spare me your pity and save it for someone who cares!" Yellow Diamond couldn't take it anymore and held out her hand towards Midnight.

In a flash, giant blots of lightning launch towards  Midnight and poofed her. Steven looked at Yellow with nothing but anger in his eyes, "why did you poof her!?" Yellow sighs in defeat as she sat back down in her throne, "in case you haven't noticed, she was far beyond the stage of reasoning. There is no way to reason with her without anyone getting injured." Steven looked at the diamonds as he made his shield vanished. " The Black Court!? What are you hiding from us? What did you do to the Black Court?" Yellow and Blue looked at each other than to Steven who was witing for an answer. "Steven, neither me or Blue have no idea what that pearl was talking.  This is the first time  we ever heard of the Black court."

Steven glared at them as Garnet bubbled Midnight's gem, "clearly, Midnight knows you and hates you because you did something to her and her court!" White Diamond sighs in defeat and shakes her head, "we don't know Steven. So don't press this situation any further and head home." Before anyone can say another word, White Diamond waved her hand and made bubbles form around everyone. That quickly took them away and back to the teleporter which instantly opened and took everyone home.

In a flash of light, everyone reappeared in the greenhouse back in the beach house. Pearl got up and was holding Midnight's bubbled gem. "clearly, the diamonds aren't going to help us with this mystery." Steven groans in frustration as he sat  on the floor, "how am I supposed to solve this mystery of no one will talk to me!"  Everyone was in shock when the portal they were standing on was glowing black and suddenly teleported everyone away to a new destination. 

In the crystal Garden...

When everyone reappeared on a worn down and barely functional teleporter, each of them was in shock where they were. Steven looked around and saw it was garden but it looked like it was made entirely out of crystals" is this the crystal garden? The one Midnight mention when she was crying out." Garnet walked forward and looked around, "she apologized for locking up someone in this garden.  It has to be the gem she served base on her reaction." Amethyst  rolled her eyes as she walks up to a patch of crystal flowers, "ok, if this is the crystal garden than who is this gem that Midnight locked up?" Everyone looked at Pearl who was holding the bubble gem, "oh no! Don't even think about it! I am not popping this bubble!"

Steven walked off and followed the path that ran through the garden. He didn't know why but the garden felt so peaceful yet cold and distant.  But what shocked him was what seems like the diamond crest engraved into the stone that made the center plaza of the garden.  It was star-shaped and had all the diamonds in the colors of the four diamonds. Expect the fifth diamond, it was at the top of the crest and was a jet black color. "If this crest is real then I think I know who is the Gem Midnight served." Lapis gave Steven a confused look as he walked over and stepped on the pink diamond crest mark. "Steven? Who is this crazy Pearl's higher up?" Everyone was in shock when the crest begins to glow. 

"Pearl, release Midnight! She knows what's going on! So place her on the black diamond crest and release her!" Pearl did as she was told and everyone saw Midnight reappeared in front of them.  Steven was in shock when both the gem crest marks glowed and they heard clicking sounds throughout the garden. As if something was being unlocked and opening a new door that was hidden in the garden. Midnight rubbed her eye but fear spread across her body when she realized where she was. "What have you done!? Step off the crest, now! Before it's too late!" But Steven didn't listen to her as she begged him to step off the crest.  When the crest stopped glowing the garden fell silent as everyone looked around to see if anything changed. 

"Midnight, you said you locked up someone here in the crystal garden. Who is it and why?" Midnight trembled in fear as she hears something coming closer. "The gem I locked up..wa- as my di- dia- diamond! Black Diamond!" Everyone jaw dropped when they heard this as Midnight drew her fans out again but faced a dark tunnel. " I locked my diamond up because he was corrupted!"  Steven was in shock as the cave around him shook from the earthquake that was now occurring, "what!?"  Steven quickly put up a wall to protect everyone from the falling rocks and crystals as he saw a large silhouette came out of the tunnel Midnight was facing.  When it finally reaches the light, Steven's blood ran cold as he was staring up at what looked like a giant cobra snake with four bat wings.  

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