Chapter 17

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For this song, this is Black Diamond's song  and you can imagine him singing it.  BUT THIS SONG IS NOT THE MAIN/ OFFICIAL SONG FOR BLACK DIAMOND. This is a secondary/ minor song that is more for character development and starts showing both the flaws and strengths he has. Since it not uncommon for a character in Steven Universe to have multiple songs. Pearl alone, had like 4 songs if you count both the show and moive.   But still hope you enjoyed the first "Black Diamond" Song in this story.

sorry, this was ONLY male version/cover of this song I could find. Yes, it nightcore... I am sorry it's the only male version I could find. 

Video: 「Nightcore - MALE VERSION」I Am Not Nothing - Beth Crowley

Original: Beth Crowley- I Am Not Nothing


Black Diamond walked through the crystal garden and went deeper into the cave. He was locked in when he was corrupted into the monster he was.  He waved his handed and all of the rocks and dirt instantly moved and formed a staircase down.  As he walks down them they became solid black gem surfaces. "Why... why... no matter what I do there still fear spread across everyone's eyes? Ahhh!" Out of anger and frustration, Black punched the ground below him and unleashed a wave of power. That caused the ground and the entire area around him to turn into the hard jet black gem surface. That was simpler to the buildings and rooms back on Homeworld in the diamond palace. 

" All I ever wished was to be accepted as a diamond and as a leader to my court. But if she and the rest of Homeworld won't accept me. Then I will re-build  and reform the black court so then can be my new family! That will love and accepte me for who I am!" Black tapped his gem and summoned a small black rod  that he grabbed. Which extended into a long black staff but before he could do anything else, Midnight ran in and stop him. "My diamond! Please, don't used so much of your power!? Otherwise you'll further crack your gem... please?" Black saw how concern she look and sighs in defeat as the staff disappeared, "alright, I won't use so much power... but I will still start re- building the Black Court." 

Black took a handful dirt and crushed it in his fist as he blows into his hands. He carefully packed the dirt in his hands against a dirt wall that was nearby. "Soon, the first lost member of the Black court will emerge out of the dirt of this planet. Once that happens... it will be the first steps to recover what we lost. Homeworld will remeber us ..." Black's jaw tighten as he remebers the look in White's eyes when she first saw him. "They will regret trying to forget us from their minds and history." Black felt his heart breaking  as he remember his days that he was corrupted and the dark day that he almost shattered.  He waved his hand as the dirt and rocks flew around him. Midnight watched in awe as Black created a eniter gem palace for himself. 

As he walked up a sat down in his new jet black throne  as the diamonds crest was engraved into the wall above Black Diamond. But cracks and vines grew out and shattered the pink and white diamond portions of the crest.  Black only sat there as  White's voice and face reappeared in his mind. Out of anger and pain, he summoned the  rod again but this time it turned into a full scythe. With a broken black diamond crest at the top of the rods head  while multple black metal  rope or almost chains  hanged off the base of it.  As in a flash of sliver light the blades appeared on the rod and they were not in the simple curved blade that was expected. 

It was curved but it was also jagged and had teeth along the edges as if it was a saw blade.   Which he swung and hit a nerby wall, letting out all his anger and pain into a single blow. While Midnight watched in saddness at her diamond that was in so much pain. 

(What the  weapon looks like )

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(What the  weapon looks like )

Back at little Homeworld....

Lion walked up to Steven and gave him a questionable look when he saw everyone was staring at him. "Lion, is there an way you can find or sense another animal like you with powers from a gem?" Lion only yawns and laid down and started to fall asleep as Steven gave him an annoyed look, "I guess that's a no."  Steven sighs in defeat as his phone ranged and picked it up, "hello?" Steven got both happy and nervous when he heard a familiar face, "Connie? Hi, how are you doing?"  Steven switch the call to a face call and saw Connie appeared on his screen, "Hi, Steven. I am doing good. How are you?" Steven gave her a nervous look as his cheeks glowed pink, " uh, well.. things are.." Connie gave him a worried look as she took out a pen and paper, "alright, fill me in. What's going on?"

Steven quickly shook his head at her as he grew more nervous, "what? Noth-" Connie cut him off before he can say anything else, "Steven, you can just tell me what's happening, that's it." Steven nodded his at her as he went and sat down along the beach shore. Quickly since she only has fifthteen minuets break in between her studies and classes.  Connie was in shock after Steven explained everything, "seriously, there's another diamond!? He was White's partner or wife, right?" Steven nodded his head, "all we know in terms of battle powers, he can summon a weapon and supposedly he's weaker compared to the other diamonds. But I seriously doubt it that he's as weak as diamonds claim him to be."

Connie thought for moment as an idea popped in her head, "well, it's clearthat White and Black are not going talk to each other or tell what happened. Maybe someone in Little Homeworld knows what happed between them?" Steven's cheeks stopped glowing pink as he looks around and saw the gems of Little Homeworld. "Again, I doubt it since White used her powers and messed up everyone's memories with her powers. Not even Yellow and Blue remembered him until White gave them their memory back. Even then, she only gave a small piece of it and not all of their memories." Connie thought for moment as she gave Steven a nervous look, "sounds like White and Black are having a pretty bad breakup or divorce. Is that right? Since they were technically married?"

Steven strach his head as he thought for moment, "I don't know... judging by how White reacted when she saw him. It's bad since she instanly shot her eye lasers at him." Connie look at her notes and then to Stevenm "well, judging by what I am hearing ... someone needs to talk otherwise this will get worst. If White not willing to talk then maybe Black will and you can skip the cat search. Since he only responded to White in a way that was in moment  and how he felt at that time. He never really expressed his emotions the way White did when she uh... well... yelled at him... and shot lasers at him."  Steven replayed the moment in his head and knew Connie was right, Black only reacted in the moment. He never expressed himself in way that was straight forward. 

"It's a good idea but we don't know where he ran off to and plus I doubt he will talk to me." Connie thought for a moment as an idea popped in her head, "what about Black Pearl or uh.. Midnight? Yeah, she sounds a bit on edge and agresstive but she's the only one that can talk to him. Right now, without him growing an entire jungle of weird vines and blowing up." Steven gave her a nervous look, "I don't know but maybe she can help out somehow." Steven sighs when he heard a timer alarm and waved good bye to Connie, "I guess that;s time, see ya Connie." Connie shook her head at him, "but Steven? What about Black Diamond?" Steven shook his head at her, "I will think of something... for now I will just find the cat."

Steven hanged up before Connie can say anything else and sighs in defeat, "ugh, how am I supposed to fix this?" Steven jumped when he heard a voice, "no one is expecting you?" Steven saw Pearl standing there as she gave him a playful smirk, "Steven,  no one is expecting you to fix this over night. So, just don't worry about it too much, okay? We'll think of something and come up with a plan."

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