Chapter 23

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Alright, guys this song that mentions in this chapter... Is BLACK DIAMOND'S SONG. This is his main song that is basically his theme song. It took this long to play out the right moment for the song. But I wanted to establish the type of situation is going on between him and White Diamond. Well, this is the perfect moment for his song so hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry again that its nightcore. Its literally impossble to find good male covers of certain songs. So, this was the only one I could find.

Video: Nightcore - Good Enough (Male Nightcore)

Original: Good Enough ( by: Little Mix )

Edit: sorry the original video became unavailable/ taken down but was able to find a new one. So, apologize to those that read this chapter without a working song video.

White sat in her room meditating when she heard a loud knock on her door. "I do not wish to be disturbed, so you can be on your way." White felt a cold breeze suddenly filled her room and she knew instantly who was on the other side of the door. "I don't ever want to see you! So go back where ever you came from!" Black made a face as he stares at his side of the door, " am I still not good enough for you? Was everything a lie?" White held her head as these questions felt like she was being stabbed by multiple daggers. " I told you! I don't ever want to see you!" Black placed Midnight down on the floor next to Steven and gestured him to stand back. Steven was in shock when Black summoned his weapon and stabbed into ground in front of him.

As a ring of black vines grew around the weapon while a black aura spread across the area. Steven saw he became ghost-like while Black stared down the door, "what's happening?" Black held out his hand and instantly White came flying out of her room and landed in front of Black. "You no go gem! You dare use your po -!" White was cut off when she suddenly flew in the air and Black walked up to her, "you gave me no choice. So, can we just talk this out without cauings any more harm or damage to each other?" White saw that sad and desperate look in Black's eyes but forced herself to look away from him, "I rather wish you were shatter than talk things out with you." Steven saw the anger building up inside Black as he waves his hand and released everyone from his arua power.

White got up from the ground and looks at Black as the cracks in his gem spread across his gem. " You're barely holding onto a form ... just disappear already!" Black stood there as anger flows through his body but what stood out was the four white diamond marks on his cheeks to White. The fact that they're white and on his face is what bothers her, "just leave me alone! Just go back from where you came from!" Black follow White as she tries to get away from him, "I can't, my dear. You need to remove that counter measure of yours so I can have my pearl back." White shrugged her shoulders at him, " please, she's perfect when she's with me so I should just leave her like that!" Black grabbed White's arm and pinned her against a nearby wall, " was everything a lie!?"

White tried to break free but saw Steven from the corner of her eye, "my only concern is repairing this empire from Pink's mess!" Black's eyes widen we he heard this, "Pink's mess?" White rolled her eyes at him, "don't play dumb with me! The gem war!" Black backed away from White as flash blacks ran through his head, "the war ... my ship was shot down." White gave him an annoyed look as she turns to walk away, "yes, I am aware of what happened to you no need to remind me." Steven jumped when he saw corrupted scales and patches was appearing all over Black Diamond. "Pink... Pink did this?" White brushed off the question as she kept walking, " she pretend to be a rose quartz gem and form that rebel group know as the crystal gems."

White was in shock when something wrapped around and slammed her against the wall, "ahh! What!?" Black stood there with half of his body corrupted and forming his monster snake form. Which already formed most of the tail that is wrapped around White, "Pink... Pink did this? She caused this?" Fear spread across White's eyes as she sees Black slowly corrupting before her eyes, "Black!? Please, stop this now!?" Black gave her a lifeless look on his face as he let her go, " how can I stop when I never even started to begin with?" Steven quickly ran up to Black and tried to stop him, "Black Diamond! Please, whatever happened to you, we can talk this out! Just don't let yourself get corrupted again!"

More scales grew and appeared along the right side of Black's face as he stared at Steven, "you ... you ... I should have known! Yet I was a fool for being so blind and trying to talk things out with you and White Diamond!" Steven saw how anger he was and quickly jumped up to a pole so he can be eye - level with him, "Black! Please, we ca - ahh!" Steven was cut off when Black vines wrapped around him and tied him up. As Black summoned his weapon and stared at Steven, "not another word from you... Pink Diamond!" Anger burned through Steven's veins as he hears that name again and flashbacks ran through his mind. How he had to pay for his mom's crimes and how everyone refered to him as her, "I am not Pink Diamond!"

Black hissed in pain as gem cracked more and quickly lend against the wall. White panicked as she sees him not only getting corrupted but his gem further cracking. "Black, if you didn't go like I -." Black glared at her as he held his head, "so, now you're pinning everything on me!? Now, you're painting me as the villian!? The villian that torture you to be something you're not!?" White stood shut for a moment before opening her mouth to argu back. But Black pointed his weapon at her and caused the vines to grow thicker while squeezing Steven tighter. " You never came for me ... you left me for dead on that planet you call, Earth. Why bother showing any feelings towards me now when you basically hate me, my dear!"

White felt her heart was being shattered to dust with every word Black Diamond was saying. "Black! Please, I -!" Black turn around and gave his back to her as he was being corrupted more, "I don't want to hear another word from you!" Steven quickly used his bubble power and formed a bubble around him to break free from the vines. Quickly he landed on White's shoulder and pointed to Midnight, "White, you have to turn Midnight back to normal! She's the only one that can keep Black under control and not cause himself to get corrupted again!" Black only stood there laughing with a smile on his face, "I am sorry for my smile and for me laughing but its funny how hard you're trying to hide the fact that I exist. Even if I am standing infront of you, you still blame me for everything like nothing every happened!"

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