Chapter 15

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Don't own the song mention this song,  all rights go to their rightful owners:

Video song cover: Lie ✦ by Circus P ✦ (Cover)【JubyPhonic】

Original Song: Megurine Luka "Lie" Original Song

Got another song and this well... this describes a relationship and you can imagine White Diamond singing this by the time you reach the end of the chapter.  It will make more sense by then why this song was choosen for this moment in the story.  Yes, some of the canon "in show characters" do have songs. But they will not be shown or played until the "right/perfect" moment in the story.

Just to help you  imagine  this song  scene  better, everytime  the phrase " I  love you " pops up in  a single  alone pharse, you can imagine  Black  saying  that  to White while  the  rest of song is her trying  to  push him away.

Steven saw Midnight was carefully attending to Black Diamond as the other diamonds left the room.  He followed them as they gather outside, "ok, what's going on!? Clearly Black Diamond knows everyone here! So, can someone explain what's going on, please!?" White Diamond held her head and sighs in defeat, "please, Steven... that gem is not a diamond. She has no purpose here on Homeworld so there's nothing to worry about."  Before anyone can say another word, everyone felt the frozen cold air as they heard Black Diamond's voice even though he's nowhere to be seen. "You really hate me that much? To the point that you even refuse to refer to me by my proper terms? If you wish for me to be gone then so be it!"

 Everyone jumped in shock when there were sudden hurricane-level winds blow through and knocked all the diamonds off their feet. Steven quickly put up a wall to protect everyone from the wind as it stops, "White!? Clearly you and Black know each other! So what's going on!?"  White stood shut because she didn't wanted to say anything and let the topic go. "She's is or was my diamond's partner!" Everyone jaw dropped and saw Midnight standing infront of them, " or the proper term that you humans used ... she is Black Diamond's wife."  Everyone's jaw dropped and turns towards White Diamond as they all screamed in unison, "what!?"  Midnight narrowed her eyes as walks over to White, "are you going to tell them the rest or I will?" 

White hugged her arms tightly as fear spread across her body, "don't you dare say another word!" Midnight rolled her eyes as she walks away from her knowing she had enough and couldn't take any more. Once she was out of sight, everyone looked at White for answers  to this whole situation. Garnet stepped forward in anger and confusion, "White Diamond!? Is it true!?  Are you Black Diamond's partner!?" White knew she could no longer hide it and sat down on the ground in defeat, " yes... it's true. Black Diamond was my partner."  Steven facepalmed himself as he took deep breaths to calm down, "ok, we know that but how did this happened!?"  White Diamond stood up and walked off in a trance of memories she long to forget came rushing back to her. 

"For so long, I strives to be better and be perfect ... I forgot what was the real reason why I forced everyone and myself to me perfect. But now seeing  him... made me remember why I strived to be perfect ... why I forced everyone to be perfect." Blue walked up to her as she tries to comfort her, "it's alright to tell us. We're here to help you."  Tears ran down White's eyes as the memories flash through her mind and all she can see an hear is Black Diamond'd voice and smiling face. "No! I have to be perfect! I can't - he can't be aroundd!" Out of sheer panicked, White accidentally shot her eye lasers towards  Steven and the others. Who also panicked until Steven put up a wall to protect everyone from the laser blast. 

"White!? Please, tell us what happened between you and Black!?"  White shook her head as all the memories ahe forced herself to forget came rushing back to her.   "No! He means nothing to me! He is nothing to me and I will forget him!"  White was about to storm off until she saw Black Diamond standing at the door way to go back inside. He looked at her with a sad yet serious look as he took one step towards her.  But White glared at him, "don't you dare come towards me! You and I both know when it comes to power and strength, you're not that strong!" Black hang his head in defeat as White was threating him and turned to leave, "how much longer are you going to believe and live with the lies you created?" 

White's eyes widen in shock as he vaniched into thin air and realized it was illusion in her head. "Get out of my head!" Everyone grew more concern as the see tears running down White's eyes as she leans against a pillar for support. But White's mind played tricks on her and she saw Black again, this tim he was leaning on the same pillar she was standing  next to. "Do you really hate me that much? That you wish I never existed and was shattered to dust that day?"  White shook her head as the illusion vanished infront of her and backed away, "get out of my head... you don't exsit!"  Steven quickly lowered the wall and ran up to White who was panicking, "White!? Talk to us, please!?" White refused to talk as she tries to control herself but her powers kept creating illusions in her mind. 

This time Black appeared behind her and hugged her from behind and whispered to her, " we were always perfectly happy together... so, why do you play this game of lies?"  Tears roll down her eyes as Steven tries to snap her out this weird illusion trance, "White!? Snap out of it!"  Black let her go and backed away as he whispered in her again, "you never cry for me.. you wish I was dead. If you wish I was dead then our love that we once had.. is dead as well." Steven lick his hand and jumped up until he was face to face with White. Quickly he slapped his hand against White's gem as a pink aura appeared around her. "White!? You need to calm down and talk to us! Hear my voice!"

White slowly calmed down as she hears Steven's voice and sat down on the ground, "Steven?" Steven look at her with a concern look as he floats up to her, "White, please, talk?" White shook her head and sighs in defeat as she saw the illusion of Black Diamond again. This time he was standing behind Steven and the others as his cape blew in the soft breeze. He only mouthed two words to her that froze he on the spot  as cracks were forming all around him. The cracks spread and he turned to dust that blew direct towards White as  she finally gave in, "alright, I will tell you. Though I never wish to tell this tale to you or anyone for that matter. But I must since you have questions and ... he told me to do so."

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