Chapter 4

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"Steven? Who is this?" Steven gave the other crystal gems a nervous look when they saw the Pearl behind him. Who only gave them a shy smile and bow to them, "I am Black Pearl. It's nice to meet you." Pearl looked at Black Pearl with a confused look, "a black pearl? I never heard of a black pearl among the other pearls." Steven shook his head as he defended Black Pearl, "well, she lost her memory and doesn't remember anything but a song that someone sang to her." Garnet looked at her and saw how anxious she is, "Steven, maybe you should try to help her. Since she seems more comfortable around you," Steven nodded his head in agreement, "ok. Uh, Black Pearl, can you sit in that chair over there and I can use my healing powers on your gem." 

Everyone was in shock when Black Pearl summoned two jet black traditional fans. "Stay back! I.. I can heal myself! Don't use any of your powers on me!" All of the crystal gems got into a fighting stance and got ready to fight. But Steven stood in front of them in order to stop them, "wait! Guys, don't fight! She... She's just scared."  Black Pearl didn't move and kept her fan blades up and ready to attack. As Steven took a step towards her, "look, we're not here to fight. We can help you." But Black Pearl waved her fan and Steven quickly drew out his shield before the bladed fan can hit him. "I- I don't know what to believe anymore... I just don't want to be alone."

Steven lowered his shield a little as Black Pearl kept her fan engraved in the shield.  "Maybe it's best if we handle this in the morning since things are tense." Everyone nodded in agreement as Black Pearl back away from Steven. Both of them made their weapons vanished in a spark of white light as Steven went up to her, "you can rest here for the night, ok. Since it's nearly midnight. " Black Pearl froze in shock and held her head pain.

Flashback begins...

Black Pearl watched the other pearls following their diamonds as they go into the main ballroom. "Is something wrong, Black Pearl?" Black Pearl looked up at the figure behind her, "It just I didn't know there were so many pearls. Plus coming in so many colors." The voice only chuckled when they heard this," Black Pearl, you don't have to worry about being outshined or replaced by any other pearl." Black Pearl gave the voice a hopefully look but it soon disappeared, "but... I am just a pearl. My only purpose is to be a serv- ." She jumped when the voice cut her off, "don't you dare think like that!" Black Pearl was in shock as the voice spoke to her, "Pearl, you are more than a servant and you have a greater purpose in life."

Pearl only hugged her arms tightly as she hears this, "how can I do something so great when I only emerge from my clamshell not even 3 months ago?" The voice only sighs at her, "Pearl, it's true that you are very young compared to other pearls and gems. But that means you still have thousands of years and maybe eons of growing as a gem to do." Pearl stood there in shock when she heard this as black vines appeared under her feet. They slowly grew and lifted her up higher until she was looking up at the clear night sky.  As the voice behind her spoke again, "the memories you make and experience you will have are  as countless as the stars in this midnight sky." 

Pearl looked up at the sky and was dazzled by the stars that shined sown at her. "hm, that's a fitting nickname. Midnight." Pearl looked up at him and smiled, "is  that a nickname for me?" The vines slowly shrink back into the ground as she hopped off the vines. "If you like it, it can be your nickname, Pearl."  She giggled as the voice chuckled along with her, "yes, I like it and thank you for your  kind words."  The figure walk passes her as she follows behind them to the entrance of the grand ballroom. "you are dearly welcome. Now come along before we are late to the era 1 ball, Midnight."  Midnight smiled as they enter the grand ballroom and heard the music. As a blinding light flashes in her face when she enters through the doors.  

Flashback ends...

Steven panicked and help Black Pearl sit down as she held her head in pain, "Black Pearl!? Are you okay?" With her voice and breath were shallow and restless, she only can look at Steven with a nervous look. "Midnight... Midnight is a nickname, my friend .. well I assumed is my friend gave me. " Garnet adjusted her shades as she looks at Black Pearl, "her memory may seem to be gone but she starting to recover bits and pieces of them. Every time something triggers a memory she lost." Amethyst shrugged her shoulders as she ate a bag of chips on the couch. "I don't know. Maybe it's that weird weapon thing Spinel used on us about two years ago." Steven only nodded his head in agreement, "yeah, maybe it was that." 

Pearl nodded her head no, "no, it can't be that because Steven took away the rejuvenator and gave it to Bismuth to destroy. Even if she was hit by it she would regain her memories all at once like us. But she is slowly regaining them slowly and in pieces." Steven rubbed his head as he thought about it and look at her, " Black Pearl... uh - Midnight, right? you said you remember a song right? maybe if  you sing it then you may remember something." Midnight gave Steven a shy look, "I really can't... it's true I remember a song but the voice that sings it is so soft I can barely hear it. Every time I hear that song in my head it's like a memory or dream, I can barely understand the words that are being sung to me." Steven gave her a reassuring smile, "hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it and we will help you."

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