Chapter 10

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I don't the song mention and place in this chapter all rights go to their rightful owners.  

The song that is mentioned is considered Black Pearl/ Midnight's song if she actually had one in the show. While the original version of this song has a much lower tone. This one is much higher and sounds almost like a pearl from Steven Universe would sing this. Since the pearls in the show have a very high singing voice (in my opinion).  So I try to find and somewhat match that tone when a pearl singing. Where it is very high in pitch and also very emotional at times. 

But yes, songs are included in the story to make it feel like it's more "steven universe"  if that makes sense. 

Video: ✧Nightcore - The Dark (lyrics)

The original version of the song: Beth Crowley- 'The Dark"


Midnight looked at Steven with fear and desperation, "why did you unlock the seal!? Now my diamond will go on a rampage!" Steven looks at up the giant snake that was staring at him cold dead eyes. "If that's your diamond... Black diamond. We can help  her." Midnight made a face at him as the snake hissed at them. "No... by you unlocking the seal means you are the one who caused this mess!" Steven gave her a confused look as black vines grew out of the ground and began tying themselves up around the corrupted gem snake. "You have the gem of Pink Diamond. She caused this... she destroyed the Black Court. Nearly shattering my diamond who took eons to heal and be able to regenerate.  But was only corrupted when he finally reformed!" 

 Steven heard a large amount of pain and sadness in her voice as she yells out to him. Plus seeing her use her powers to try and restrain her diamond. Who was corrupted and trying to break free from the vines. "No! you set him free! You caused his pain as Pink Diamond! As Ros Quartz who lead the rebellion! You did this! There's nothing you can do to fix this!" Steven's cheeks glowed pink as  Midnight yells at him and try to remain calm. Lapis saw Midnight was struggling to hold the snake down with her vines and quickly flew up to her, "look, if this thing is your diamond then Steven can change her back." Midnight look at Lapis and the other crystal gems with anger in her eyes, "why would I trust you with the life of my diamond!?" 

Pearl drew out her spear and got ready to fight as the vines were breaking, "Steven, we don't have time for this! we have to poof them!"  Peridot shook her head in shock, "wait, can you even poof a diamond! Even if this thing is a diamond,  it highly lowers the chances of us being able to poof it!" Garnet made her gauntlets appear as she stares up at the snake that roared at her. "We have to try. If we don't poof this gem right here and now, it will cause destruction for everyone." All the crystal gems drew out their weapons as Midnight stood there crying. In pain, sadness, and regret as she was holding her arms out and trying to keep the corrupted gem under control. "please, don't do this!? He's already in so much pain! Please, don't do this!?"

Steven walked up to her and saw she was trembling as beads of sweat ran down her face. "Please, just help me put the seal back on? I will explain everything to you if you help me! Please, just don't poof My diamond!?" Steven saw how much pain she is and knew the vines couldn't hold her diamond down for much longer. "Midnight, I am sorry but we have to poof this gem." Midnight screamed out as Pearl ran in and hold her back, "no! Don't attack! He'll shatter all of you!" Pearl held her back as all the crystal gems surrounded the snake, "Midnight! Please, we are here to help! So, drop the vines and let the gem go!" Midnight fell to her knees as tears rolled down her face.  " please, just don't poof him... please, don't attack him? It will only cause him distress and lash out!"

Steven gave her a confused look when he heard this but noticed how aggressive the gem is being. By wiggling around and slamming itself against the walls and floor of the cave. I order to try and break free from the vines that were restraining them. "Midnight!? Is there a way to calm them down so we don't have to fight!?" Midnight nodded her head yes to this question, "all of you back away from him, now! Lower your weapons and let me go." Pearl looks at Steven who sighs in defeat and did as he was told. So everyone follows his example as Pearl let Midnight go and she quickly ran up to the corrupted gem. "My diamond! Don't worry it's me! Just take deep breaths and sleep."

Everyone was in shock when they saw Midnight climbed the vines and reached the head of the snake. Her gem glowed as she reaches out and touched what seemed like a gem on its forehead. It glowed white for a split second before it suddenly the corrupted gem started falling asleep. Steven remained in shock as the gem remained sleeping at their feet while Midnight climbed down the vines she has made. "What did you do?" Midnight turns towards him as tears ran down her eyes, "I calm down the chaotic aura that was around him until it was gentle enough where he would fall fast asleep."  Pearl gave her a questionable look, "it's not possible for a pearl to have that level of power. "

Midnight glared at them as she stood in front of the sleeping gem, "I don't need to repeat myself again since you already know what I am going to say. But I will say it again to get through your heads and make it loud and clear. You don't know anything! You don't know anything about the Black Court! You don't know the true power and strength that this court holds!" Fear spread across everyone's eyes when the reality of the truth in the situation they are in. But Steven took a step towards her in desperation, "Midnight? Please, don't make us have to fight you again and bubble you?  Just let us help you if this gem is truly your diamond?" 

Midnight looked over her shoulder at the sleeping gem and fell to her knees in defeat as she sees the destruction around her. Steven walks up to her as she hugs her knees and trembles in fear, "Midnight?" She looks up and saw Steven holding out his hand to her, "whatever happened to you, we can help you and your friend." Midnight sighs in defeat as she stands up and turns her back to Steven. "For so long I have been trying to find a way to cure my diamond of corruption. Barely finding  and collecting enough  of the other diamonds' water that would have easily cured him   ... I have been alone all this time." Steven saw how dark the cave is and the only resource that gives off any light to see was the crystal flowers.

"Midnight, have you been alone in this cave for eons?" Midnight shook her head to Steven, "well, yes and no to that question. Yes, I have been n this cave for eons to take care of my diamond. But also no because I was able to explore the surface and other humans. When I travel up to the surface through a tunnel system I made." Steven knew instantly that Midnight wasn't an aggressive gem who wish to harm anyone. As far as he knows, she was alone and was forced to seal away her diamond who she served. In order to protect everyone on the surface from the chaos and destruction that would come if this corrupted gem somehow made it to the surface. Midnight was the only one protecting everyone from this unknown dangerous gem for eons.

When she learns about the other gems and Little Homeworld, eons worth of mixed emotions came out. She snapped when she sees all the gems happy and living there lives. Since there was no one she can reach out and ask for help. She grew fearful and very aggressive because she had no one to help her. "Midnight, we will leave if you don't want us to help you. It is your decision and we can not make you choose one." Midnight stood there in shock as she hears this and saw all the crystal gems slowly backing away. "Wait! If you have the ability to help him... please, heal him? Just, please... if you must poof him .... poof, and bubble me first so I don't witness it and be in pain." 

Garnet walk up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "are you sure about this? There's no going back once we poof you." Midnight nodded her yes as a single tear ran down her visible eye, "Although I don't trust you... I want too. Your intentions are for the best so I will just trust you enough just to allow you to do this." Garnet nodded her head yes as Pearl came up and stabbed her spear into her chest, "I am sorry." Midnight trembles as she looks at Pearl, "I should be the one saying sorry... please, take care of my diamond for me." In a cloud of silver smoke, Midnight poofed as her gem fell and sat at Pearl's feet. Who was then bubbled into a pink bubble as Pearl looked at the other crystal gems. "Alright, we did as she asked. Let's finish her request and help her friend."

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