Chapter 18

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I don't own the character/ gem mention in this chapter. All rights to this character to this character belong to EricaEclipse or DarknessAndMaddness. That had permission to use this character in this story.


Peridot noticed something on her computer data that was unusual, "that's odd... I am picking energy readings that are simpler to Lion. But Lion is back at little Homeworld ... why are these readings saying he's out in the strawberry battlefield?" Peridot gathered her computer data and went to the town square teleporter. She instantly teleported to the strawberry battlefield and started exploring around, "something doesn't seem right... yeah, my readings and data are throw off thanks to the addition of anew diamond. But this one is just too weird to ignore so she followed her computer readings to an area that looked like a carter. Or what used to be one with all the strawberries and broken weapons lying around it.

"What so special about this hole? It's like any other hol- what!?" Before Peridot can say anying she saw what seems like a a hologram of Black Diamond lying in the center if the hole. "Okay, just take a deep breath. It's not him, It's not Black!" But Peridot froze when she felt the tip of weapon against her back, "back away from the hole and forget you ever saw anything here." Peridot made a face and used her powers to make a broken metal ax go flying to whoever is behind her. Peridot turned aroun when she no longer felt the blade against her, "you really are an idiot!" She jumped whe she saw a gem standing behid her and an ax that was in pieces at her feet. "Excuse me, but you were the one who attack me! So really your to blame here!"

 "Excuse me, but you were the one who attack me! So really your to blame here!"

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( what the gem looks like)

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"Yeah, I attack you but I don't care because you were about to take away something that was mine." Peridot rolled her eyes at her and look back at the hole, "what can possible be your's!? Everything here is just a reminder of the gem war that took too many lives!" She summoned three glowing arrows that flew in front of her as she rolled her eyes, "what do you know about war, your just a peridot who is program to deal with reports and data collecting. You would't know anything about combat let alone the idea of war!" Peridot's anger boiled as she hears this from this gem, "you set up that hologram in the hole, didn't you!?" This gem only rolled her eyes as she walked up to Peridot, "just cause I consider a soldier class gem doesn't mean I am an idiot when it comes to tech."

Peridot tight her hands into fist as she hears this, " fine! Then what's the deal with the hologram!? Peridot panicked when one of arrows came flying towards her and stopped inches away from her face. "Oh, I don't know perhase you can tell me what you know about Black Diamond or the Black court caused you clearly know something?" Peridot look back at the hole and hologram of Black Diamond and to the gem in front of her. " You're in the Black court... You served Black Diamond!" This gem narrowed her eyes at peridot, " yeah, so what!? So, what if I did served him? Clearly, everyone including that no good white rock wanted him dead! So, she just living her happy days that he's gone!"

Peridot knew she was in trouble and thought of what would Steven do in this situation, "uh, wait for a minute!? What if I told you he's alive! Also, his pearl is alive too!" Peridot screamed when an arrow came and crashed at her feet. Causing it to blow up and sent Peridot flying and crashing into a nearby old giant metal shield. "I would say you're nothing but a useless off gem who thinks I will fall for such garbage!" Peridot groaned and stood up as she held her arm, "it's not a lie! Black is really back and alive!" This gem narrowed her eyes at her as she got ready to lauch another arrow at her, "you got five seconds to either tell me the truth or run while you can, make your choice."

Peridot look at her in shock as she held her arm, "I already told you the truth, you claw!" The arrows were lauched towards her as Peridot ran for her life, "times up!" Peridot ran to the the teleaporter as arrows were flying past her. Quickly she jumped on and was about to leave whe the gem grabbed her and pinned her against the floor of the teleporter. "Consider this a warning if you try to dig and finding out what happened to the Black court! Everyone knows they're gone so don't go hoping otherwise, off color!" Peridoy used her powers and caused an old metal shield to hit her in the back of the neck. She yelled in pain as she fell over and let Peridot go who quickly backed away in shock.

Peridot was about to leave when she heard this gem groaning and get back up, "wait, clearly I under estimated you since you manged to take a blow in a blind spot for a gem." Peridot gave her a confused look, "what? Hello you were trying to kill me! Make up your mind!? This gem rubbed the back of her neck as she made the arrows disappeared, " Onyxia... my is name Onyxia." Peridot gave her a questionable look, "ok, so your a soldier gem for Black Diamond?" Onyxia rolled her eyes at her, "I already said that before, are you deaf or something?" Peridot groans to herself at her comment and walked towards her, "look, if you know what happened to the Black Court than come back with me and tell my friends! We all trying to figure out what happened since White - yikes!?"

Peridot duck when a arrow nearly hit her and floated 2 inches away from her face. Onyxia glared at her as anger burned in her eyes, "mention that name ... that no good gem on more time in front of me. I don't care who you are or what you stand for! I will fight and shatter you on sight if anyone every mentions that gem!" Peridot back away in fright and fell onto the teleaporter as Onyxia walks towards her. " All my diamond ever wanted was to be accepted by everyone instead of being feared! But that no good gem ... destoryed everything he created!" Peridot saw the anger in her voice amd eyes, "you're ... you're an brand new gem, freshly poped out of a wall or a kindergarten."

Onyxia rolled her eyes, "yeah, so what if I am a new gem that's fresh into this world?" Peridot looked at and saw she was built and program as a soldier gem. "But if Black Diamond is her diamond is your diamond than that means he's greating and rebuilding gems!" Onyxia turn on the portal as it glows around Peridot, "that's right and I am the first to comeout of Black Court Kindergarten. Soon, the Black Court will rise again." Peridot gasped in shock as she was teleaported away and re - appeared in the center of Little Homeworld. Peridot took a moment to gather her thoughs and then panicked, "what was that about!?" She quickly ran off to the bemch house and found Pearl and Garnet in the kitchen, "Pearl! Garnet! Talk, now!"

Pearl gave her a confused as she was panicking, "Peridot? Aren't you supposed to be teaching a plant growing class in the green house as Little Homeschool?" Peridot waved her question as she paces back and forth, "nevermind that for now! There's another Black Court memeber out there!" Pearl jumped in shock and almost broke the glass cup she was holding, "what!?" Garnet caught the glass cup and look at Peridot, "what do you mean there's another Black Court memeber?" Peridot groans in annoyance and fustration as she explains everything to Garnet and Pearl. Who was panicking and freaking out more than her when she nearly died on mulriple occassions. From this new gem that appeared named Onyxia and is soldier gem who is ready to kill anyone in her way.

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