Chapter 24

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White saw the anger boiling in Black's eyes and knew he was going snap soon. "Black, I ... I can't turn your pearl back to normal."  Black glared at her as he held his weapon tightly, "you can't or you won't change her back? Which is it, White?" Steven looked at White and saw how nervous she looks, "White? What's going on?" Black realized what's happening as his tail grew longer and was becoming more corrupted. "You really tried to erase me from your mind and gem history. Even the gem that caused this mess in the first place doesn't know what happened." White panicked and shot her eye lasers at him but he quickly blocked it with his scythe.  "Leave Steven out of this, Black!? He's happy on Earth and with us on Homeworld!"

Black gestured to Steven as snake-like fangs grew in his mouth, "you're not moving on ...  you lived  your entire life in denial. Trying to hide the fact that Pink Diamond or that Rose Quartz gem destoryed the entire Black Court!"  Steven's eyes when in shock as he glows pink, "no! She didn't!" Black look at Steven with buring hatred in his eyes, "you bear her gem, you are apart the same rebel group that attacked and destroyed my court, she almosted shattered me!"  White quickly ran up to Black and stood in front of Steven  to protect him. "Black!  He did nothing wrong! So just leave!" Black  made his weapon disappear and glared at White, " that maybe true but you did plently, my dear." 

In sheer panic, White shot her mine control lasers at Black which hit him direct at his gem, "ahh!"  White held her breath as she sees Black lying on floor at her feet now, a complete white color.  "Oh no ... what have I done? Steven? Steven, I -." She froze when she saw how angry he was and was glowing pink, "White! What's going on!? I already heard Black's side of the story but now I need your side!"  White sat on the floor next to Black and gently ran her fingers through his now snow white hair, " I am sure he told you how we met and became a diamond. I really ... don't know how but I started to get these unusual feelings about him. When he joined the diamond authority and was surpassing everyone's expecations." 

Steven took deep breaths and was trying to calm down as he was hearing White Diamond, "you feel in love with him?"  White nodded her head yes, "I was a fool for falling in love with another gem but again I was so happy ... to see him ... to talk to him when he gave me reports ... to visit him on his space station. That day... he told me he was going to earth to recover and provided medical aid for all of soldiers during the war. I told him it was fine and he didn't need to go ... but he went with his entire court." Steven saw White was trembling as she told this story, "then the crystal gems attack and shot down his ship."  White nodded her head yes, "when I heard what happen  I - I refused to believe it! I wanted to see Black's shattered gem as proof! But there was no trace of it or anyone from his court!" 

Steven stopped glowing pink and realized what the true story of the Black court is. " You were so devistated and depressed about Black's death, you created the coutnter measure. All gems forgot about him and all gems took on this female form and there really wasn't any true male gem, aside from me. " White held her head as she hears Steven say this, "I - I wanted to be perfect and he is corrupted! he's not a perfect gem! I needed to be perfect!" Steven look at Midnight and Black that were both under White's control as puppets. "You wanted to forget about the pain of losing him so you literally erased everything about him. He's a living reminder that you're not perfect and you're like any other gem. You have emotions and can be hurt sometimes." 

White trembled as Steven said the truth to her, "White, you can fix this and talk to Black. Someone has to make the first move, White, please?  Black already did by coming to confront you. Its your turn to make a move and respond to this." White looked at Black and forced him to stand up in front of her sense she was controling him. " Steven ... I - I can't!"  White waved her hand and released her control on Black who gasped in shock as he fell onto one knee. "What happened? Last I remember... you took control of me?" White glared at him, "its not like you gave me a choice! Either I stop you or you would have hurt Steven!" Black tighten his hand into a fist as more scales grew across his face and his eyes changed into snake eyes. 

Steven stood in between them and put up two pink walls to keep them apart, "stop, this right now! Both of you are hurting each other without knowing it! White, can't you see you're make Black corrupt faster than normal!?" White looked at Black that stood behind the pink wall who was already half corrputed and turning back into a monster snake.  White gave him a cold and indifferent look on her face, "like I said before, he should have remained on that cold planet when he got shattered." Black hissed at her as his fangs grew longer and punched the wall he was trapped behind. " Oh that so like you to be cold and indifferent about everything that can possible make you a flaw gem!"

White shrugged her shoulders and turned to leave, " all I see is a coruppted gem that is hopeless and confused." Black tighten his jaw and looked at Steven, " child,  as much as I hate you ... I am going to say this one thing which is put down the walls and run for the next line I am going to say will cause her to blow." Steven wanted to stay but he saw how serious Black was, he  obeyed him. With the walls down, Steven backed away from them as Black took a step towards White. "If what you say is true then explain Silver Diamond to me!?" White Diamond instantly turned around and attacked Black when she heard that name, " you no good gem!" Black held her back and look at Steven who was glowing in pink in fear, " run, panther will meet you on the shore. Just run!" 

Steven ran as fast as he could and quickly teleported away  when he got to the portal. In a flash, of blue light he reappeared in the portal room back on Earth. Pearl walk past to see Steven glowing pink and lying on the floor, "Steven!? What happened!?" Pearl ran to him and helped him sit up as Steven took deep breaths, " Black... White ... fighting on homeworld. White wants to destroy him but yet she doesn't." Pearl gave him a confuse look, " she what? So she wants to destory him or not?" Steven stood up as he recalled the whole confrontation in his mind and realized the true stance of White and Black's relationship.  "Both of them ... they were partners but now they're arguing and disagree to the piont they're a ... divorced couple."

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