Chapter 27

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Steven jumped onto Panthers back and held on tight as it ran through the halls of the diamond palace. "I have to find Black before it's too late. Hopefully White didn't do anything to him yet." Panther stopped in his track and growled at White when she came into its line of sight. " Oh my, Steven, what is this new  pet  you have?"  Steven looked up at White as he petted Panther to calm down, "Wite!? Where is Black!? We need him to tell his troops to stand down!" White gave him a surprised look, "stand down? They wouldn't dare attack the diamonds on Homeworld." Steven facepalmed himself and pointed to an open window, "they do dare and they're on their way!"  White look out the window and saw the army approaching the palace, "what!?" 

"They won't stop unless he gives the order! They will only listen to their diamond, Black Diamond!"  White looked down at Steven with a worried look, " I don't think he will be willing to give the order."  Steven gave her a serious look, "what did you do to him!?" White gestured him to follow her to the room where he was locked up with Connie. She opened the door and Black was sitting on the floor in the center of the darkroom. But both White and Steven jumped when Black vines suddenly grew out of the ground and were launched towards them.  White slammed the door shut as the vines pierced through the door and caused holes and cracks to appear on the door.

Steven took a deep breath and look up at White, "What did you do to him!?" White held her head as she tries to process what's happening, "I locked him in there, for now, that's all!"  Steven pointed to the door as he continues to yell at her, "if we don't want another gem war, you have to talk to him and let him go!"  Suddenly both  jumped when the door suddenly burst open and was  shattered to pieces, "what!?"  White grabbed Steven and protect him from any flying broken pieces that could have hit him. But she froze when she saw Black walk out of the room and gave her a cold - dead look, " I could have broken out of the room anytime I wanted but I didn't because I followed your wishes and desired." 

Black dusted himself off as he fixed his cape as Steven noticed that he still have some corrupted scales on his face.  "But the second I stepped one foot out of the room, I no longer wish to follow your wishes and desires." As Black said this he drew out his weapon and pointed it at White, " once upon a time ago I loved you and wish to always be by your side. But clearly, that was just a fairy tale that has ended and burned in your white light like a diamond. "  White took a step towards Black as she tries to talk to him, "Black, please... I did this for the best an- !" Black stomped his weapon on the ground as a black aura appeared around the room, "for the best!? For the best!? To what? Create a countermeasure that causing gems to become an unless puppet when they speak about what happened to me and the court!?

To wipe mine exist from the entire gem history so no one will remember me or know about the Black court?   Causing my own corruption with the corruption light!? Turn a blind eye and refuse to talk to me when I try to talk things out!?" Black looked out the window and saw his court marching towards the palace, "all you had to do was hear me out but you refused to listen so this is the punishment. " White made a face at Black and ran up to him, "Black! Please, call off your troops!?" Black looked at White with a cold and indifferent look in his eyes as fear spread across White's and Steven's bodies, "I will not call off my troops, White Diamond. I will let them storm this palace and destroy every inch of it for the wrath they have against you!" 

Steven took out his shield and got ready to fight with the threats Black was saying towards them. " Black!? You have to stop them!" Black look at Steven as a bone-chilling air filled the room, "ever since I came back, all I tried to do was talk to her and obey her wishes but now ..." Black held his head as his hair became messier and out of place while he laughed at himself, " ha, ha, ha ... now, I don't know what to do to make your wishes come true, my dear. The only way to do that is if I just shatter myself and I am not willing to do that if it makes you happy, my dear. " Steven saw Black had this crazy mad man look in his eye and realized what's happening to him, "he's snapping! All the negative emotions, cracks in his gem, and the corruption... he's snapped!" 

Black nodded his head at Steven as he hears this, "oh dear boy, I did more than just snap ... this whole situation broke me down ... I completely lost my mind!" As he said this, he swung his weapon at Steven who panicked and jumped to avoid the giant blades of the scythe that tried to hit him.  "What!? Black, please!? You got to listen!"  Black only laughed at himself as he held his weapon, " what do you think I been doing all this time? Listening, obeying, and staying silent. Now, I listen to no one!" Black vines shot out of the ground and rapidly grew everywhere around the room as the floor beneath Steven's feet started to cave in.  In sheer panic, White grabbed Steven and ran out of the palace as fast as she could. "Steven, are you alright?" 

Steven nodded his head yes and looked up at  her, "White, you have to do something!"  White gave him a nervous look as she sees the Black vines growing around the palace walls, "there's nothing I can do if he won't listen."  Steven saw the army marching closer to the palace and the vines growing out of the palace, "you're going to have to remind him why you fell in love in the first place!" White gave Steven a surprised look, "how? If he won't listen it's pointless!" Steven shook his no, "his powers have always been cold yet calm all this time when I sensed it. They were simpler to your powers waves ..."  White realized this and tears ran down her eyes, "his powers were always on the same wavelength as me because it reminds him of me and the love we once had." 

Steven nodded his head yes, "White, you need to open up and talk to him. The only way to do this if both of you fuse together and become Silver Diamond." White gave Steven a serious look, "Steven, you know that won't work because he won't let me!" Steven pointed to the place as he glows pink, "how will you know if you don't try!? For eons, Black has been calling out to you and you haven't answer. Now, he gave up on trying to reach you in hopes of talking things out, he gave up, White! You have to go in there and answer the call no matter how much you just want to walk away!"  Both of them jumped when they heard a big crashed behind them and saw Opal lying on the ground, "Opal!?" 

Opal got up and looked at Steven and White, "ugh, we can't hold them back forever. Do you have a plan?" Steven felt his head pounding as he questions how he's going to solve this is no one was willing to just stop and listen for once.

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