Chapter 2

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Steven stood in front of the tower as the cool night sea breeze blew through Little Homeworld. I was desperately trying to think of a way to reach out to the person in the tower. Until he was in shock when some of the vines slowly return back into the earth. Making a small opening for someone to walk through and come out into the night sky.  Steven held his breath as he saw a gem nervously come out of the tower.  Quickly she held out her hand and all of the vines disappeared into the ground. As pieces of the tower were floating in the air and were slowly being repaired. In shock, Steven took out his phone and start to take pictures of the gem as they repaired the tower. Before they went to the beach and sat down in the sand by the sea. 

Steven carefully follows them as they sat by the ocean and watched the waves roll on by.  Although he was far enough for this gem to not notice him, somehow Steven can tell they were hurting and in pain.   Much more than usual when a gem first comes to earth and is fright by regenerating for the first time on earth.  He was in shock when he heard them singing a lullaby to themselves. Steven couldn't make out the words they were singing since he was too far away to hear them.  But he was determined to met and help this gem, no matter what happens. So he walked down the beach and couldn't believe his eyes when he has a perfect and clear view of this gem. Sitting about twenty feet away from him, was a pearl.  

(What the Pearl looks like)

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(What the Pearl looks like)

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She wore a jet black solid one-piece outfit that is a common outfit for Pearls to wear. But what stood out and caught Steven's attention was the cape she wore. Since usually a pearl would wear something that is somewhat similar to the diamond or high ranked gem they serve. But none of the other diamonds or any gem he knows of have or wear a cape that is like the one she was wearing. *Who did this Pearl belong to?* She sat in the sand as she sang the soft lullaby to herself.  But caught a glance of Steven from the corner of her eye, "ahh!" She jumped in shock and backed away from him as fear spread across her face. Steven quickly tries to calm her down, "hey, it's ok.  I am a friend. I can help you if you are new here to Earth." 

She held her chest as she looks to the ground with a sad and defeated look on her face. "You can't fix a broken gem." Steven was in shock when he heard this, "if your gem is broken, I can fix it. I have healing powers." The Pearl glared at him when he says this, "you have healing powers of a rose quartz gem." Steven jaw dropped when he heard this, "uh .. yeah. But wait! How did you know!" This Pearl glared at Steven with a sad and yet serious tone in her voice. "Do you really think you're the only one with healing powers?" Before Steven could say anything she ran off and disappeared into the shadows of the night. With only the sounds of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore.

The Next Morning...

The crystals gems all met up in the tower square in the center of Little Homeworld.  Steven paced back and forth. Lapis was annoyed and sighing at Steven, "ok Steven. We're all here so what's going on here?" Steven looked around and pointed to the tower that their jaws dropped to the floor.  Peridot shook her head in confusion, "what happen!? Just yesterday there was a black jungle growing around this thing!" Steven quickly took out his phone and brought up the photos he took from last night. "Guys, just calm down for one second. I was here last night on watch and patrolling the area if anything happened." Pearl rushed over and took the phone from Steven, "let me see that!" 

She was in shock when she sees that photos of what seems like another pearl. "Steven, are you sure these are the photos and you didn't change them?" Steven gave her a serious look, "yes, those are the photos and I even talk to her." Peridot panicked when she heard this, "oh no! Are we dealing with another corrupted gem? The cluster? Or a invas-?" Steven cut her off before she could finish asking her questions, "it's none of those things. I think... I think... she is just scared and hurting. Since she mentioned something about a broken gem. Also somehow she figured out uh... well kind of that I have my mom's healing powers. She said I have the healing powers of a Rose Quartz gem." 

Amethyst crossed her arms across her chest as she rolled her eyes, "ok, so she made a jungle of vines around the tower and camp out here for three days. Repair the tower then runs off to who knows where!" Steven gathers his memories and tries to find anything important that can possibly be a clue. "She was singing a lullaby but we already knew that since we heard her sing before. In terms of appearance ... she looks like a Pearl from what I can tell." Lapis looked over  Pearl's shoulder and look at the photo of the mysterious pearl, "well, she does have a weird gem mark." Steven's eyes widen  when he heard this, "wait, gem mark?" Lapis nodded her head and pointed to the phone, "yeah, on her right cheek."  

Steven looks at it and sees the mark is a diamond shape that is pitch black. "Is that a diamond crest or a gem mark? Since gem marks don't come in a diamond shape. " Garnet shook her head, " It's unclear since we barely know anything about her. So it is possible that it is just a gem mark that just so happened to be in the shape of a diamond crest."  Steven thought for a moment and stared at the picture, "well, she needs help. I am going to help her no matter what." 

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